Page 16 - Herald_Q1_IV_2019_2020
P. 16

T H E   W E S L E Y   H E R A L D                                               Page 16

         B R O T H E R H O O D   S P O T L I / G \ H T   ( C O N ’ T )

                  In your opinion, what would you say is the current state of Prince Hall Freemasonry and where do
                  you see The Craft going the next 50 years?

                  I see Prince Hall as alive and well. The challenges are maintaining membership and adjusting
                  to the trying times of society. For example when I became a Mason, most people were in their
                  40’s and was settled in your community. Today, we have younger members and have to find
                  a way to retain them as members. Another thing is priding themselves as a Lodge (back in
                  the day). Today, there is no emphasis in owing their own Lodge. Most Lodges utilize either
                  the Grand Lodge or rent properties for communication. Should be more of a priority of own-


                  What is your definition of Brotherhood as it pertains to Prince Hall Freemasonry?
                  Brotherhood, to me, means that you can talk to someone “breast to breast” and knowing that
                  it stays there. Brotherhood is the actions in showing genuine concern for another Brother
                  and his Family. It’s letting that Brother know that you care about his welfare. It’s being in-
                  volved in another Brother’s life.


                  Describe a personal highlight that you've experienced since being a Prince Hall Master Mason?
                  Having an opportunity to serve as Master of Cartwright. In that Lodge, we prided ourselves in
                  fighting to select degree parts. My 2nd highlight was receiving the honor of Grand Lodge Of-
                  ficer of the Year. I was serving as Grand Inspector, at the time.


                  What advice would you give to a newly raised Prince Hall Master Mason who is brand new to Prince
                  Hall Masonry?
                  Your family, vocation, church, health comes first. You must put your time management in or-
                  der. You must put your priorities in order. If he can find one committee and commit to it, that
                  would be great.


                  In your opinion, what are the pros to being a Prince Hall Master Mason?
                  I travel a lot nationally and internationally and enjoy meeting Brothers of all walks. The fel-
                  lowship is great!


                  Lastly, name one "fun fact" about yourself that the Lodge does not know about you?
                  I was the original clown for the MISR Temple #213 of the Shrine and started the clown unit.
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