Page 15 - Herald_Q1_IV_2019_2020
P. 15

T H E   W E S L E Y   H E R A L D                                               Page 15

         “ B R O T H E R H O O D   S P O T L I / G \ H T ”

                  Our Brotherhood Spotlight for this quarter features our very own -
                  RW Bro. Milton Anthony “Tony” Jews!

                  What is your full name?
                  My name is Milton Anthony Jews.


                  What is your date of birth?

                  I was born on July 5, 1947 (72 years old).

                  Where are you originally from and where do you currently reside?

                  I was born in Cambridge, Maryland and currently reside in Up-
                  per Marlboro, MD in the Kettering Sub-Division.

                  What is your occupation?

                  I am a retired educator from the Prince Georges County Schools. I started as an Elementary
                  School Teacher in 1969. I served as a Vice-Principal in Elementary School; Elementary
                  School/Jr. High Principal. I retired Special Ass. to Superintendent School in the Office of
                  Pupil Accounting and School Boundaries.

                  When were you raised a Prince Hall Master Mason?

                  I was raised in December 1977 in Rising Sun Lodge No. 46. Demitted to Roscoe C. Cartwright
                  Lodge No. 129 in 1979. Became study club in 1989 and chartered in 1990. Served through
                  ranks in Roscoe as Master in 1985-1986. Served Grand Lodge 1985 Grand Lodge Scholarship
                  Commission. Served a Master of Lodge Instruction (LOI) for Southern Region; Deputy Direc-
                  tor for MWPHGLMD Lodges of Instruction; Grand Inspector; District Deputy Grand Master of
                  4th Masonic District.


                  What are your hobbies?
                  My #1 hobby is playing golf.


                  Do you have any family members who are Prince Hall Master Masons/Order of the Eastern Star?

                  My Stepfather was a member of Pride of Cambridge Lodge No. 50 and my Mother was a mem-
                  ber of the Order of the Eastern Star.

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