Page 17 - Herald_Q1_IV_2019_2020
P. 17

T H E   W E S L E Y   H E R A L D                                               Page 17

         “ O U R   B R O T H E R ’ S   K E E P E R  ”

              The Brothers of Charles H. Wesley No. 147 remember our Wesley
              Brothers and associates of those dear to us who have been afflicted by
              illness, death, or other personal adversity:

                RW Bryce Gaylor (Mom’s health/Niece/Personal)

                WM Duron Haynesworth (Loss of Son)

                SW Robert Cooper (Mom’s health)

                JW Deron Pittman (Personal)

                Marshal Brian Tillman (Mother-in-Law’s health/Personal)

                Chaplain Emerson Sanchez II (Mom’s health)

                PM Eddie Johnson (Personal health)

                PM Ronald Crump (Personal health)

                PM Charles Guilford (Wife’s health/Personal health)

                Bro. Mel Canady (Loss of family member)

              To those mentioned above, we want you to know that we love you and are praying for you! May God
              send his Angels of healing to you and give you peace and comfort! And YES - we ARE our Brother's
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