Page 6 - Herald_Q1_IV_2019_2020
P. 6

T H E   W E S L E Y   H E R A L D                                               Page 6

         “ D E M   W E S L E Y   B O Y Z ”   P A R T I C I P A T E   I N   W R E A T H S   A C R O S S   A M E R I C A
         (Written and submitted by Bros. Marlon Selmon and Bryan Simmons, Committee Chairs)

            The Brothers of Charles H. Wesley Lodge No. 147 (along with
            one Sister of our newly founded OES Phoenix Chapter No. 86)
            participated in its 2  Wreaths Across America event on Decem-
            ber 14  2019 at Cheltenham Veterans Cemetery in Cheltenham,
            MD. Each December on National Wreaths Across America Day,
            the event seeks to “Remember, Honor and Teach”, and is carried
            out by coordinating wreath-laying ceremonies at multiple Veter-
            an’s Cemeteries in all 50 U.S. states, at sea and abroad. The
            event remembers soldiers from the Revolutionary War to present
            day conflicts, its veterans and families. Wreaths Across America’s mission touches the lives of thou-
            sands of schools, scout, civic and religious groups across the country through fundraising for wreath
            sponsorships. These groups help to ensure that they reach their goal to place a wreath on each hero’s

            Brothers laid wreaths on two sections of the cemetery. The Brothers even laid a wreath down on a
            grave of one family member of a Wesley Brother, who also participated in the event. Unconfirmed at the
            time of this report, it was mentioned that approximately 9,000 wreaths were laid.

            The Brothers of Wesley represented and did an EXCELLENT job in honoring our U.S. Veterans who
            paid the ultimate price for our freedoms! Special shout out to all the Brothers who participated in the
            wreath laying event:

            For the Official Ceremony – RW Charles Guilford, Bro. SD Phil Ludd, Bro JW Deron Pittman, Bro. Chap-
            lain Emerson Sanchez, Bro. JD  Marlon Selmon, Bro. Tyler Bryan Simmons, Bro. JS Gregory Stotts,
            and  Bro. Donnell Troy.

            For the Wreath Laying - Bro. SD Phil Ludd, Bro JW Deron Pittman, Bro. JD Marlon Selmon, Bro. Bryan
            Simmons, and Bro. Donnell Troy.
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