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T H E W E S L E Y H E R A L D Page 3
T H E R E S U L T S A R E I N ! 2 0 1 9 - 2 0 2 0 L O D G E O F F I C E R S E L E C T E D &
The Brothers of Charles H. Wesley held their annual elections on
Thursday, October 10, 2019 to elect officers for the upcoming 2019-
2020 Masonic Year.
The following Brothers were elected to lead the Lodge: Bro. Duron
Haynesworth (Worshipful Master); Bro. Robert Cooper (Senior War-
den); Deron Pittman (Junior Warden); Bro. Lawrence Mercer
(Secretary); and Bro. Shon Bowe (Treasurer).
In addition, the following Appointed Officers were selected: Bro. Phil
Ludd (Senior Deacon); Bro. Marlon Selmon (Junior Deacon); Bro.
Tavar Smith (Senior Steward); Bro. Gregory Stotts (Junior Steward); Bro. Emerson Sanchez II
(Chaplain); Bro. Brian Tillman (Marshal); Bro. Bryan Simmons (Tyler); and Bro. Oliver Minall (Assistant
Secretary/Recording Secretary) with the current Assistant Treasurer position open.
On Friday, October 18, 2019 at Fairmount Lodge No. 92 in Fairmount Heights, Maryland, all elected and
appointed officers for the 4 District were duly installed. It is special to note that the Brothers of Charles
H. Wesley Lodge No. 147 were the only Lodge in the District that had every elected and appointed office
present for installation without a proxy!! The ceremony was a WONDERFUL ceremony and the Officers
of Charles H. Wesley are now ready to lead and to serve! As always, these Brothers come "Masonically
seasoned" with "the Wesley Standard" and have extensive leadership acumen from their perspective
occupations, in addition to experiences with other civic and/or fraternal organizations and affiliations.
Congratulations and well wishes to all Elected and Appointed Officers of Charles H. Wesley Loge No.