Page 4 - Herald_Q1_IV_2019_2020
P. 4

T H E   W E S L E Y   H E R A L D                                               Page 4

         C H A R L E S   H .   W E S L E Y   B R O T H E R S   H O S T   “ T H E   C R O S S O V E R ”

              On Saturday, October 19, 2019, at Boswell Hall in Bowie,
              Maryland, the Brothers of Charles H. Wesley hosted its 3rd
              annual end of year event, “The CrossOver”. The purpose of
              the event is three-fold: 1.) to announce the Lodge’s newly
              elected administration to the public; 2.) to celebrate the
              "crossing over" of newly raised Wesley Brothers into the
              Prince Hall Masonic Family; and lastly, 3.) to announce and
              honor the recipients of the Lodge’s scholarship awards. The
              Brothers of Charles H. Wesley, as well as other Brothers from
              neighboring Lodges, OES Sisters, and invited family and
              guests came from far and wide to partake in the atmosphere
              of good catered food, great fellowship, and groovy tunes spun
              by DJ Trini from 93.9, WKYS.
                                                The newly raised Brothers introduced to the Brotherhood and invited
                                                guests were: Bros. Greg Stotts, Tavar Smith, Oliver Minall, Marlon
                                                Selmon, and Raymond Hill, who are affectionately known as
                                                "Solomon’s Architects.” In addition, the Brothers from the Grand Mas-
                                                ters’ Induction Class were: Bros. El Tashik Faruq Sr. and Emer-
                                                son Sanchez Jr. The Brothers of Solomon’s Architects and the
                                                Grand Masters’ Induction Class further solidified their journey into the
                                                Prince Hall Masonic Family by receiving their Masonic patents, with
                                                the class expressing their sincere gratitude to the Lodge, most espe-
                                                cially Brothers RW Tony Jews, Bryan Simmons, Robert Cooper, and
                                                Obadiah Johnson, who served as the class’ Proficiency Team, in as-
                                                sisting with shaping them into becoming Prince Hall Master Masons
                                                and "Wesley Boyz!"
                                                The Academic Scholarship Awards Committee also honored one
                                                graduating high school senior as the recipient of The Kirk Drumming
                                                Memorial Scholarship Award. The recipient of the award was pre-
                                                sented to Warren Edward Pinkett Jr. of Oxon Hill H.S. He was
                                                awarded two scholarship checks totaling the amount of $1000.00 for
                                                his academic excellence, commitment, and service to the community.
              He will receive $500.00 now and $500.00 in his second semester when he completes regis-
              tration. He will be attending Stevenson University in Baltimore, Maryland.
              Special highlights of the evening were the announcements of the Charles H. Wesley awards for their
              outstanding work within the Lodge for the 2018-2019 year. The following awards were given to the fol-
              lowing Brothers:
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