Page 2 - Herald_Q1_IV_2019_2020
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T H E   W E S L E Y   H E R A L D                                               Page 2

         T H E   E D I T O R ’ S   C O R N E R

              To my dear Wesley Brothers,

              I pray that this publication finds God's continued blessings
              upon you and your families, and that you are in good health
              and strong spirits! I am so blessed to continue be your Editor
              of “The Herald”! I want you all to know that I do not take this
              position lightly and am honored to continue to provide all the
              achievements and activities of our beloved Lodge through
              our publication! I am so excited about this upcoming Masonic
              year, for we have a lot of work to do in the community!

              This quarter's newsletter will highlight such articles as our
              “Crossover event”, our numerous community service activi-
              ties for this quarter (Wreaths Across America, Jolly Jam, MLK Parade March, and other projects), and
              our special "spotli/G\ht" Brother, to name a few. In addition, other articles will include our health section,
              Belle's birthdays section, a famous Brother quote section, and Brother's keeper section.

              As always, I pray that you will find this newsletter to be informative, educational, and thought-provoking!
              So Mote It Be…

              Fraternally submitted,

              Brother Brian C. Tillman, Editor of The Wesley Herald

                                                   The Wesley Herald Credits
                                                    Editor - Bro. Brian Tillman

                Photographers - Bros. Byron Holly, Lawrence Mercer, Marlon Selmon, Brian Tillman, Robert Cooper

                                     Article Submitters: Bros. Marlon Selmon, Bryan Simmons

                                      Reviewers - RW Bryce Gaylor, WM Duron Haynesworth
                 Front Page Format and Font Design - Miss Myra Jacobs, Sr. Speech Writer, Department of Justice
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