Page 5 - Herald_Q1_IV_2019_2020
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T H E W E S L E Y H E R A L D Page 5
C H A R L E S H . W E S L E Y B R O T H E R S H O S T “ T H E C R O S S O V E R ” ( C O N ’ T )
Newcomer of the Year – Marshal Brian C. Tillman
Traveling Man of the Year – Junior Deacon Lawrence J. Mercer
Unsung Hero Award – Bros Obadiah V. Johnson/Leon R. Reynolds
Event Committee of the Year – Wesley Belles Dinner/Bro Kenneth Williams
Worshipful Master’s Award of Merit – Assistant Chaplain Billy R. Bennett
Master Mason of the Year – Senior Warden Duron J. Haynesworth
The CrossOver was a HUGE success and COULD NOT have been possible without the dedicated and
talented direction of the following Brothers who served as committee chairs: Bros Deron G. Pittman, I.,
Lonnie L. Lesane, and Obadiah V. Johnson! AWESOME JOB!
The Charles H. Wesley Brothers would also like to thank all of our guests for attending the event and
supporting the Lodge, as well as anyone else who may have helped to make the event a success! We
look forward to an even bigger and better event next year!