Page 113 - Taming Your Gremlin A Surprisingly Simple Method for Getting Out of Your Own Way (Rick Carson)_Neat
P. 113
Your gremlin would prefer that you focus your attention on him instead
of simply experiencing your emotions. Often, in what appears to be an
intense situation, if you take the time to relax and simply notice what you
are feeling, reminding yourself that you do not have to do anything with
your emotions and that emotions are not dangerous, you will experience a
sense of relaxed power. This sense has been described many ways,
including feeling self-actualized, integrated, whole, happy, loving, centered,
in the zone, high, good, and hunky-dory. As you take the time to simply
experience the physical sensations known as emotions, you will begin to
enjoy them more and more. Choosing options for what to do with them will
become easier and more enjoyable. It may even feel like an adventure.
Again, one of the most commonly overlooked options is to give your
emotion of the moment lots of space within you. That is, to
breathe and fully experience.
Another option is to
change for a change.
When you decide to express outwardly a particular emotion, it makes sense
for you to select an option for doing so that leaves you feeling good on the
inside and at the same time gets you what you want from your environment.
The process for selecting these kinds of options is what makes taming your
gremlin an enjoyable adventure, for here is where you can be creative. You
will be surprised at the options you can think of for expressing yourself
once you get into choosing and playing with options.
On occasion, you might select options that you consider to be consistent
with your personality (or your act of the moment). At other times, you