Page 112 - Taming Your Gremlin A Surprisingly Simple Method for Getting Out of Your Own Way (Rick Carson)_Neat
P. 112

Simply Notice
                                           Choose and Play with Options
                                                      Be in Process

                     For example, if your gremlin has convinced you that certain of your

                emotions are dangerous or wrong or that you’re not entitled to them, you
                may feel panicky when you feel these emotions. If, on the other hand, your
                gremlin has convinced you that some powerful emotions are physically
                intolerable and will hurt you when you hold them in, he may encourage you
                to express them immediately and without respect for others. You may feel
                better for the moment, but in the long run your gremlin will win by setting
                you up to feel anxious, guilty, isolated, or empty. Respect your gremlin’s


                                    BREATHE AND FULLY EXPERIENCE

                If, instead of listening to your gremlin, you will simply breathe, feel your
                emotions, and give them lots of space in your body, you will notice that
                these emotions are no more than simple energy, and to experience energy is
                to feel vibrant and alive. After all, emotions are intended to be felt and fully
                experienced and used to benefit your existence. Anger is not inherently evil,
                sadness does not automatically imply depression, sexual feelings don’t

                automatically engender promiscuity, joy is not the same as irresponsibility
                and foolishness, and fear does not equal cowardice. The only time that
                emotions become dangerous is when we habitually bottle them up or
                discharge them impulsively without respect for other living things.

                     Emotions will not disappear simply because you don’t acknowledge or
                express them. By the same token, it is unnecessary to express every

                emotion outwardly. As you begin to pay closer and closer attention to your
                emotions and to their effects on your body, you will notice that there is
                nothing in an emotion to be afraid of. It is only your gremlin who is afraid
                of your emotions, because he knows that when you are experiencing them
                fully, without judgment, you feel a simple sense of vibrancy, and that
                feeling of vibrancy is the key to fully enjoying your gift of life.
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