Page 119 - Taming Your Gremlin A Surprisingly Simple Method for Getting Out of Your Own Way (Rick Carson)_Neat
P. 119
Give it up. Even those close to you are getting fed up. You’re gonna end up
old and alone and living in an alley getting gnawed on by rats.”
Even if your gremlin’s put-downs and scary taunts have an element of
truth in them, as you accentuate your gremlin’s chatter you will become
quite aware of the absurdity inherent in choosing to spend precious
moments of your limited life listening to him.
Simply noticing the message your gremlin is sending your way in the
moment that the message is playing gives you some distance, not just from
the message but from that monster of the mind—your very own personal
Your gremlin is not just the self-limiting messages in your head. He’s
the force that brings them forth.
Your gremlin has a purpose—your demise—and he moves with
forthright intention. Your gremlin is the macabre master of misery, the
demon of distress. He will use the data in your mental storehouse to squelch
your potential for pleasure and productivity, dampen your creativity,
weaken your body, and poison your relationships. But you’ve got him
whipped. Completely whipped. Not once and for all, but in each unique
situation in which he flares up and snarls at you. All you have to do is to
simply notice him with a sense of detachment and choose and play with
options. So now we have three options to play with:
Breathe and fully experience
Change for a change
Accent the obvious