Page 64 - Taming Your Gremlin A Surprisingly Simple Method for Getting Out of Your Own Way (Rick Carson)_Neat
P. 64

hearing my voice via one of my audio programs. Here and now, with you
                and me, it’s more challenging because our primary tool of communication
                is the written word. But I’ve been experimenting with lots of my trainees

                and clients, and I know now, beyond a doubt, that if you and I work
                together, you can have the same sort of deep awareness that occurs in my
                workshops. Here’s your part:

                                1. Allow yourself fifteen to twenty minutes of
                                uninterrupted solitude in a quiet, comfortable place.
                                2. Center yourself before beginning, using your
                                “I’m taming my gremlin” mantra on the final breath

                                before opening your eyes.
                                3. Follow my written instructions precisely.
                                4. Do not skip ahead.

                         When you are ready, with this book open to this page and a
                     paper and pen within reach, close your eyes and center yourself.
                     After saying your Gremlin-Taming mantra, open your eyes and
                     begin reading the following text.

                         In a moment, I’m going to ask you to close your eyes again,
                     and when you do so, to take your spotlight of awareness into the

                     world of mind. Once in the world of mind, you will bring into
                     your awareness an image of a living human. A person you love
                     wholeheartedly—a child, perhaps, or your spouse, or a friend.
                     You genuinely love this person. You may or may not be liking
                     them at the moment, but you’ve no doubt about your love for

                         In a moment, when you close your eyes, see this person alone

                     and standing. In this fantasy they will not be able to see you, but
                     you will see them quite clearly. Really look at them. Look
                     closely, breathing fully as you do so. Pay special attention to this
                     person’s eyes and to the area surrounding their eyes.
                     Periodically redirect your awareness to your breathing and then
                     back to the person’s face. Look at them with the same sort of
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