Page 65 - Taming Your Gremlin A Surprisingly Simple Method for Getting Out of Your Own Way (Rick Carson)_Neat
P. 65
relaxed attentiveness with which you would enjoy a beautiful
vista or a work of art. Do so for as long as you would like. Keep
your breathing slow, relaxed, and full. Simply notice your inner
experience throughout this activity. Whatever you experience is
fine. There is no way to do this wrong. Rejoin me at the
beginning of the next paragraph when you feel finished. Close
your eyes and begin now.
Welcome back. Keep your breathing full and clear as you pick
up your pen and redirect your spotlight of awareness back here to
my words. Let the natural you respond to the statements that follow.
Read each statement and express yourself in an open-souled,
uncensored manner, with no consideration regarding outcome or
your loved one’s response. This is not a rehearsal for reality; it is a
learning experience just for you. Whatever you write is right.
There is no way to do this wrong.
Keep your breathing clear and full.
Go slowly.
________________(your loved one’s name), when I entered my
and saw you, I noticed that my breathing was ______ _____________ and I
felt _______________.
As I took the time to really look at you, I noticed that the area around my
heart felt _______________, and my breathing ______________________.
One thing I noticed about you was that you _______
You looked __________________________________.