Page 99 - Taming Your Gremlin A Surprisingly Simple Method for Getting Out of Your Own Way (Rick Carson)_Neat
P. 99

pajamas were as I lay next to him. I think that Ezzard Charles was boxing. I
                don’t know that I ever thought about this experience before, but at this
                moment it seems it was extremely pleasurable. I was very happy there next

                to him.

                     While living in the house you’ve drawn, you had a vast number of
                experiences, and from these experiences you formed many ideas about who
                you are, about relationships, and about the nature of existence. Learning
                that occurs experientially is very deep-seated. It is as if the learning is in our
                bones rather than simply in our intellect. Often our experiential learnings
                and the beliefs we form as a result of them are outside of our awareness.
                They are so much a part of us that to step back and objectively view them is

                difficult, yet they affect us day in and day out in every conceivable

                     In order for you to become a bit more aware of beliefs and habits you
                formed while living in this house, I have included below some items to
                which you can respond. Relax as you read each item and be honest with
                yourself. Respond to these items based on what you saw and heard, not on
                what you were told.

                     From what you experienced in this house, what did you learn about:

                     The expression of love

                     Physical stroking such as hugging and kissing


                     How anger is handled
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