Page 97 - Taming Your Gremlin A Surprisingly Simple Method for Getting Out of Your Own Way (Rick Carson)_Neat
P. 97


                Ushering Your Habits and Concepts into the Light

                Completing the exercise that follows will be helpful in clueing you in to
                some of the habits and concepts your gremlin may be using to confine you.
                Simply relax, breathe, and enjoy yourself while you play within the context
                of the following experiment. It is unnecessary to work at it or to strain.

                                                YOUR EARLY DAZE

                Allow yourself to remember for a moment a house in which you lived

                between the ages 3 and 7. If you lived in more than one house during that
                time, choose the one about which you have the warmest feeling. Create a
                “houseplan”-style drawing of the dwelling (as if you were above it, looking
                down). If phrases such as “I’m a terrible artist” or “I hate to draw” fly
                through your head, notice them and then let them go. These are concepts
                your gremlin is feeding you. He’s tricky. Simply relax and sketch your

                house as you remember it. For goodness’ sake, don’t worry about precise
                proportions or layout. Here as an example is a drawing of the house I grew
                up in:
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