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John Dennis
John Dennis is a seasoned practitioner, coach and
trainer in Lean Six Sigma, Blockchain Technology,
Process Improvement, Quality control, Lean Management
and Project Management in Supply Chain Finance and
Information Systems environments. John has extensive experience
in Lean Six Sigma, Blockchain training, Systems Thinking, Finance,
supply-chain and logistics.
John's clients for Lean Six Sigma, Blockchain, Financial Process Optimization
and Supply-Chain have included Pepsico, Hoffman LaRoche, Ryder Systems,
Gateshead College ( UK ) and Israel Chemicals Ltd.
John gained his experience in Lean Six Sigma process improvement with over 20 years
for GE Automation, IBM Global Services and Entergy Services in the USA before setting
up his own consulting and training business in the UK.
John is a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt , Certified Blockchain Architect and a PMP with the
Project Management Institute since 2000. He graduated from Loughborough University in Physics,
York University in Education and also has an MBA from the University of New Orleans.
John lives with his wife and daughter in the North East of the UK and also has a son who lives in the
John is a Certified Blockchain Architect ( Blockchain Council), Lean 6-Sigma Master Black Belt
Certified ( ILSSI), Certified Project Management Professional (PMP) , Certified Senior IBM Project
Manager (CSPM) , Lean 6-Sigma Black Belt Certified ( IASSC ) , PROJECT MANAGEMENT (PMP)
Michael Tesser
Machiel Tesser is a Block chain and Lean teacher.
Besides he owns and develops the program “block chain for
Lean”: this is a quality management program in combination
with lean system thinking. In 2019 he was part of the winning team
of the biggest block chain hackathon of the world: .