June Newswatch
P. 1
Shenandoah Homeowners Association
June 2018 Issue 6 Serving the Homeowners of Shenandoah Estates Since 1972
Shenandoah Estates “Yard of the Month!”
Congratulations to winner of the June 2018 Shenandoah Estates Homeowners Association “Yard of the Month” award that goes to 5275 Stones River. The homeowners receive a $25 gift certificate to Clegg’s Nursery, our gracious sponsor.
Thanks to all of you who take pride in your property. Keep up the great work! We’ll be judging “Yard of the Month” nominations every month and announcing the winner in the Newswatch newsletter and the website: www.shawebwatch.com.
Nominations can be submitted to: beautification@shawebwatch.com
When you drive down a street of well-kept lawns and landscaping, the pride of ownership shows and sends a positive message to visitors to our neighborhood. That pride often correlates to higher home value.
Our webmaster, Ed Craig has introduced a monthly photo and video of the Yard of the Month winners which appears on the homepage of the Shenandoah Estates website.
You can also submit a nomination for the Yard
of the Month on the Shenandoah Homeowners Association’s Website, www.shawebwatch.com.
Shenandoah Estates American Flag Distribution and Display
—America’s Library, US Flag/Army
Each year on June 14th, we celebrate Flag Day, but do you know why?
The reason we celebrate Flag Day is simple- it’s the day that marks the adoption of the flag of the United States which happened on June 14, 1777, thanks to a resolution of the Second Continental Congress.
Flag Day is also a special day for the United States Army because it’s the day they celebrate their birthday. It was on June 14, 1775 that Congress adopted “the American continental army.”
—Continued on page 3