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 Shenandoah Homeowners Association
NEWSWATCH Digital August 2020 NEWSWATCH Magazine
    For several years, the Shenandoah Homeowners Association has sponsored a Digital Communications program for the residents of Shenandoah Estates. Residents are added to our email database when joining the Shenandoah Homeowners Association. “You do NOT have to be a SHA Member to be part of our Community Notification Program.”
Why should you join the program? There are often things happening that affect the 2,172 residential homes in our subdivision.
To name a few:
• Parish construction schedules and locations
• Advance notice of pending inclement weather
• How to prepare for possible Hurricane or Flood warnings
• General Information that is of interest to the sub-division
• Delivery of the SHA NEWSWATCH (Digital) Magazine during the
COVID-19 period. Also on • Notification of important community meetings.
 Shenandoah eBlast Communication Program
Shenandoah Homeowners Association’s Annual Meeting.
Each year the Shenandoah Homeowners Association holds their Annual Meeting, all Shenandoah Estates Residents invited to attend,
At this meeting, the SHA reviews their accompliahements for the previous year and announces projections for the upcoming year. Board members are nominated and elected to any vacant seats on the SHA Board of Directors.
Due to the COVID-19 conditions related to large groups, the September meeting will be held as a Digital Meeting. An eMail Blast will contain the links to the Zoom Meeting. The information will also be on the SHA Website. You DO NOT require a WebCam to view the meeting. Without a WebCam, you will not be able to add audio comments but can send text to the moderator.
A list of candidates will be sent by eMail Blast before the meeting. This list also appears on the website. You will be able to VOTE for your choice of candidate by completing an online form.
If you wish to nominate a candidate, please use this link to the online form for nominations. Submit all entries before 8/25/2020
  Information needed for program: First & Last Name & email address
You may request to be removed from the program at anytime from a current message.

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