Page 14 - Power of Gratitude
P. 14
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In the story of the untapped talent, a certain lord called three of his
servants and delivered unto each of them a number of talents. One was
given five, another, two, and the other, one talent. While their Lord was
embarking on a journey, it was his expectation that they multiply these
given talents before his return. Upon his return from the journey, it was
time for each servant to step forward and give an account of how they had
put to use, the talent committed to them. It was a rewarding experience
for two of them, who had made a significant profit on the items given
to them, but certainly not the same for the third servant who had out of
ingratitude buried the one talent given to him. In his reply to his Lord,
the servant didn’t seem to have appreciated the idea of him receiving
just one talent while the others had more. In the long run, what was
initially given to him was taken away and given to the one who showed
gratitude by multiplying what he had.
This principle is explicit: if you want to remain connected to the source
and flow of abundance, you must concede to the power of gratitude,
and practice it too.
There is a universal spiritual law that comes with the Law of Gratitude.
It is necessary for you to observe this law to advance your life purpose.
Remember the just told story of the unused talent. The law of gratitude
is an un-lopsided principle that flagrantly posits that action and reaction
are often equivalent and in opposite directions. The grateful outreaching
of your mind to the external world of Higher Power is an expression
and liberation of energy never can or will it fail to reach whom it was
addressed. This reaction will be an instant movement of that which you
wish for, towards you. If anything, train yourself never to put off the
word or action for the expression of gratitude.
Gratitude may be one of the most unnoticed tools that we all have
access to every day. Cultivating gratitude doesn’t mean us paying a
monetary price, and it certainly doesn’t take much time, but the benefits