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family  benefits  from  mostly  in  this   often times they fall victims of unaccountability and
             case  may  include:  Employment,         non-transparent  administration  because  family
             Empowerment ,  Scholarship,              pressure hauls many of them that lane, thus making
             Palliatives, Infrastructure etc.         them  unpatriotic  citizens  and  leaders.  Their  family
                                                      members  should  not  in  the  meantime  be  bent  on
             The care for one's immediate family      making life out of their relation's positions that should
             as  a  leader  is  not  the  point  of   be of public service and good. On the other hand our
             contention  here  nor  paying            leaders are not so cowardice that they cannot convey a
             attention  and  attending  to  the       simple awareness to their families, that it is expedient
             needs  of  one's  community,  but        that  a  leader  has  the  masses  at  heart  not  the
             more of one's concerns should not        immediate  family  exclusively.  They  however  put  the
             be one's blood relation. The ache in     mentality of family first at heart and give it attention
             this  is  when  those  who  become       because there lies their priority too.
             beneficiaries  do  not  meet  up  with
             the  requirements  that  guarantee       CONCLUSION
             them  such  opportunities,  yet  they     As a leader, your first family should be those under your
             are  offered,  limiting  public  or      governance; they are to be seen as your first family to
             common  wealth  to  a  family  right,    avoid creating the tendency of giving sole attention to
             hence,  palliating  the  livelihood  of   the immediate family when the pressure comes. You
             many.                                    do  not  have  to  supply  palliatives  to  a  community
                                                      simply because you are from there; give scholarships to
              "It is known that one of the issues of   only those related to you by blood; employ those from
             our  country,  which  is  rising  to  the   you  ethnicity,  clan  and  even  family  because  of  who
             l e ve l   o f   s t a te   p o l i c y,   i s   t h e   they are to you, but that they deserve and merit them.
             development  of  patriotic  spirit  in   With these, patriotism can thrive to its crest.
             young  people"  (Rasulan  311).
             Without  doubt,  one  of  the  main
             factors  in  the  development  of
             patriotic spirit in youth is the unique
             role  and  influence  of  the  family
             because  the  purest  feelings  of  a
             person,  the  first  life  concepts  and      Works Cited
             imaginations are formed first of all in       hhtp// Accessed + 17th January, 2024.
             the  heart  of  the  family  (312).  Our     Ruslan, Mustaevet. al. THE ROLE OF FAMILY, COMMUNITY AND
             families today instead, inculcate the        EDUCATION  IN  THE  DEVELOPMENT  OF  PATRIOTIC  SPIRIT  IN
                                                          YOUTH.  JournalNX- A Multidisciplinary Peer Reviewed Journal.
             idea  of  putting  always  our  homes        Vol. 7, no.1, January- 2021. NOVATEUR PUBLICATIO
             first at the detriment of the human
             family  which  is  wider  than  the
             immediate  family.  Our  leaders  are
             not always self-centred per se, but
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