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                   -  B A R T H O L O M E W  O K A T A


                     igeria, a nation known for its rich cultural
                     heritage, is a melting pot for a complex
             Ninterplay  of  traditions,  modernity,  and
             societal expectations. Amidst this union lies the
             phenomenon of male escorting; a realm where
             intimacy  and  commerce  converge  against  a
             backdrop  of  diverse  societal  perceptions.  The
             phenomenon of male escorting in Nigeria stands
             at the crossroads of tradition and modernity.  This   tricks.  They  (especially  street  prostitutes),
             academic  exercise  embarks  on  a  concise      sometimes  refer  to  the  act  of  prostitution  as
             exploration  of  the  historical  roots,  legal
             complexities, and societal dynamics that shape   turning tricks (web).
             the world of male escorting in Nigeria.
                                                              Male Escorting in Africa
             WHAT IS ESCORTING?
                                                              The female gender and sexual exploitation have
                                                              long been linked together, just as prostitution is
             The  question  "what  is  escorting?"  has  posed   often synonymous with women, however, a 2018
             serious problems and debates for donkey years.   report by a group (Face to Face Africa), showed
             Many  people  use  the  words  “escorting”  and
             “prostitution”  interchangeably,  however,  when   that  sex  tourism  on  the  African  continent  was
             performed correctly, an escort may offer a legal   swaying towards male prostitution. It stated that
             service  to  a  client.  In  fact,  prostitution  is  the   the sex business includes men, who were often
             exchange of sex for money or something else of   lured  into  the  trade  by  desperation  due  to
                                                              economic situations and cravings for a high-class
             value.  On  the  other  hand,  escorting  offers  a   lifestyle. A 2008 report by Daily Mail stressed that
             person’s  time  and  company  in  exchange  for   countries  with  great  beaches  and  heavy
             money or something else of value, for example,
             escorts  may  accompany  a  client  to  a  business   attractions  for  female  tourists  easily  serve  as
             function, dinner, or other activity, but sex does   conducive  environments  for  gigolos,  with
             not take place (Sex Crimes).                     Nigeria, Egypt, Gambia, Kenya, and South Africa
                                                              listed  as  prominent  countries  where  the
                                                              profession  thrives.  In  2018,  Saturday  PUNCH
             Many countries have made regulations so as to    reported how male sex workers were paid N40,
             address this problem, for instance prostitution is   000  for  a  night  service  in  a  brothel  at  Port
             illegal  in  California,  while  escorting  is  legal.
             Understanding  the  differences  between         Harcourt. In the investigation, it was discovered
             escorting  and  prostitution  can  prevent  legal   that  undergraduates  made  up  a  chunk  of  the
             misunderstandings or even criminal charges. In   male  sex  workers  that  worked  at  the  brothel
             addition, under Ohio prostitution laws, you can   (Osaji).
             go  to  jail  for  engaging  in  prostitution.  In  our   FA C T O R S   T H AT   G I V E   R I S E   T O   M A L E
             contemporary world however, many prostitution    ESCORTING IN NIGERIA
             enterprises  hide  behind  the  word  “escort”  to   There are many factors fuelling the enterprise of
             unleash their services, with male prostitutes now
             baptised with the name “male escorts”.  A male   male escorting in Nigeria. An Abuja-based male
             escort is in this sense someone who has carved a   escort  shared  his  experience  in  this  enterprise
             career out of selling his sex services. Otherwise   with  a  correspondent  of  PUNCH  newspaper
             known as a male prostitute, gigolo or rent boy,   (Sharon Osaji). In his words: “It wasn’t really about
             clients  can  be  of  any  gender.  Male  clients,   the money. It’s something I am naturally good at.
                                                              Right from time, I have always been praised by
             especially those who pick up prostitutes on the   ladies I have been with that I am their best. So, I
             street or in bars, are sometimes called johns or
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