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encouraging civic engagement, empowering
youth, fostering unity, recognizing patriotic igerians all have their individual roles
efforts, preserving culture, and engaging to play in order to achieve the
internationally. Nobjective of building a virile nation.
The mindset of an average Nigerian needs to
More elaborately, recognizing the significance be re-engineered and geared towards making
of a united and patriotic citizenry in propelling this dream come to fruition. We must have a
national progress, it is important to suggest change of our mindset. This we can do by
actionable ways to kindle the spirit that is having a reorientation. Nigerians should see
capable of fostering a collective commitment diversity as strength and embrace a shared
to the shared well-being and prosperity of our identity. We should imbibe the spirit of one
beloved Nigeria. Implementing educational Nigeria. Our perspectives should not be
programmes that instill a sense of national limited to ethnicity, regionalism or religion.
pride and identity is one possible way to
achieve this. In particular, civic education in When we do not stand for something, we'll
school curricula should be monitored and invariably fall for anything. We should ask
evaluated to educate students about their ourselves these thought-provoking
rights, responsibilities, and history. Learning questions; what exactly is the Nigerian
about the history, achievements and cultural dream? What are our ideals as Nigerians?
richness of Nigeria contributes to a sense of Are we in a ship without a rudder?
national pride and patriotism among
students. It instills a love for their country and a In my opinion if I may, the major cause(s)
desire to contribute positively to its progress. hindering patriotism in Nigerian citizens
In addition, enhanced transparency and includes but not limited to conflicts. These
accountability invoke the spirit of patriotism conflicts come in numerous dimensions. A
among citizens. When citizens see that their major example borders on conflict of interest.
leaders are accountable and committed to the A man from the northern part of the country
public good, it fosters trust and a sense of sees himself as being different from a man
shared responsibility. It is important to from the eastern part of the nation. The spirit
implement policies that address economic of one Nigeria has been decimated by so
inequalities and ensure that economic many unsavory events. Some people feel they
benefits are more equitably distributed. are more Nigerian than others, some kids have
Inclusive economic growth contributes to a been raised believing they are not part and
sense of shared prosperity and patriotism. As a parcel of the country. All these factors are
further matter, campaigns that celebrate and militating against patriotism in the nation.
promote patriotism need to be launched,
emphasizing the importance of unity, love for If you ask me, I'd say we need some radical
the nation and collective progress. This change to bring back the spirit of patriotism
approach is more effective and more effective our founding fathers had. We must encourage
when various communication channels are merit and do away with the quota system in
utilized to reach a broad audience. By our constitution. We should encourage
implementing these strategies (among excellence and not breed docility. The child of
others), Nigeria can cultivate a spirit of a commoner from any part of the country
patriotism that transcends individual should have equal opportunity.
differences; fostering a shared commitment
to the nation's well-being and progress. We should all play our part! Patriotism is not
a b o u t wa v i n g o u r fl a g s b u t t a k i n g
In the pursuit of a better Nigeria, each one of responsibility through our conscience!
us is a vital protagonist in this narrative. Let us
join hands, rise above our challenges and A. M Mari esq.
collectively shape a future that reflects the LLB(Hons), BL
true potential of our great nation. Together, we
shall answer the call to "Arise, O Compatriot!”
Dr. Victor Ushahemba Ijirshir