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                                       E M M A N U E L  A G B O ,  A S S O C I A T E  E D I T O R  I

                     o serve our Fatherland with love and     living  with  disabilities  to  become  active
                     strength  and  faith  is  the  clarion  call   participants in creating a sustainable future
               Twhich  every  patriot  ought  to  obey.       for Nigeria.
               These words resonate with pride and unity,
               the spirit of One Nation One People in the     As we all know, the world is going through
               hearts of Nigerians. It may however, seem a    the  adversity  of  climate  change  impacts,
               wild  exaggeration  or  assumption  to  begin   due to poor environmental habits from us as
               with this phrase, considering the ill state and   a  people.  Nigeria  is  not  excluded  as  the
               the almost unsalvageable condition we as a     impacts  of  climate  change  have  evidently
               nation find ourselves. Be that as it may, the   caused  an  uptick  in  heat  waves,  floods,
               ideal should not, and cannot be done away      polluted air, low crop yield leading to food
               with no matter how far we are from it.         shortages,  rise  in  sea  levels  and  so  many
                                                              other  environmental  issues.  According  to
               Arise, O Compatriots! the theme of this year’s   the  World  Bank  report  in  2023,  Nigeria
               publication  becomes  even  more  apt  and     currently generates over 32 million tonnes of
               timely in the Nigeria of today. It thus serves   solid wastes annually. In fact, the number of
               as  a  wakeup  call  to  all  Nigerians,  bringing   wastes  generated  by  Nigeria  is  likely  to
               back  to  our  minds  the  pledge  we  once    project to over 107 million tonnes by 2050.
               proudly proclaimed; to be faithful, loyal and
               honest,  to  serve  our  country  with  all  our   As ppatriotic Nigerians, it is important that
               strength  and  to  uphold  her  unity  through   we  keep  our  environment  very  clean  and
               the  help  of  God.  Sequel  to  this,  a  few   healthy at all times. The most pragmatic way
               opinions  of  some  illustrious  personalities   of  achieving  this  is  through  community
               have been sought to enlighten us, based on     action  groups.  As  communities,  we  can
               their  perspectives  on  patriotism  and  the   come  together  to  clean  our  environment,
               Nigerian dream as it relates to the theme of   promote the need to keep our communities
               this magazine.                                 clean and green through the prism of social
                                                              media  platforms,  drive  up  campaigns,
               CLEANER  ENVIRONMENT,  BETTER                  sensitisation  in  schools,  churches,
               NIGERIA,  NO  ONE  SHOULD  BE  LEFT            seminaries, mosques, markets and all places
               BEHIND                                         concerned.  There  are  so  many  types  of
                                                              pollution  in  Nigeria,  be  it  plastic  pollution,
                         y  name  is  Tessy  Umbuwa  Anjide   fossil fuels' pollution or any type of pollution.
                         Esq, President, Community Action     It  is  incumbent  on  us  to  appropriately
               Mfor  Cleaner  and  Sustainable                dispose of our wastes, segregate our wastes,
               Environment Nigeria (CACSEN), a registered     recycle, reuse and if possible, refuse the use
               NGO with the main purpose of fostering a       of  plastics  due  to  its  negativeburgeoning
               sustainable  and  healthy  environment         effects  on  humans,  animals,  ecosystem
               through  community-driven  initiatives,        goods and services.
               focusing  on  environmental  education,
               engagement,  and  practical  actions  to       Keeping our environments tidy starts from
               address  environmental  challenges  in         you  and  I:  we  should  not  wait  for  the
               Nigeria.  Our  organization  is  committed  to   government  all  the  time.  Whatever  poor
               bridging  the  gap  between  awareness  and    societal attitudes prevent us from achieving
               action  by  empowering  communities,           a clean and sustainable environment needs
               especially  the  youth,  children  and  persons   to be improved upon. Nature has afforded us
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