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             r ea c h   o f   s o                                                            and, I have no
             m    a    n   y                                                                 money.  That
             Nigerians  and                                                                  w o u l d   n o t
             then  what  do                                                                  help  you.  If
             you  expect  the                                                                however  we
             people  to  do?  The                                                          go  into  some
             chunk  of  the  finances  you                                              skill  acquisition,  if
             have  is  as  a  result  of  the                                     we  develop  ourselves
             multiple  taxation  from  the                                    positively,  then  we  can
             people and yet the economy                                       improve  our  individual  and
             continues to nosedive and is                                     family economy even without
             not  improving.  You  put  the                                   expecting anything from the
             people  on  a  high  jump  but                                   government. We can put the
             you cannot lift your finger to                                     same government to shame;
             bring them relief of any sort.                                    this government that would
             What kind of government is                                        like to create a hell for us here
             this without a human face?                                        on earth. We can l turn that
             It  is  sad  that  the  people                                     hell into heaven and I think
             continue  to  hear  of  the                                        our  Christian  hope  really
             i n c r e m e n t   i n   s t a t e                                encourages  us  not  to  give
             allocations  on  a  monthly                                        up hope but to look within
             basis  but  without  the                                           us to see that in the midst of
             equivalent benefits to the                                           these challenges, there can
             p e o p l e .   T h e y   h a v e                                   be  a  way  out.  We  believe
             increased  the  bursary  of  the  state  but  we   strongly that by the grace of God, the future
             cannot  see  anything  around.  The  Federal     will  always  be  better  than  what  we  are
             Government is getting much in the petroleum      experiencing  now.  The  politicians  will  never
             sector  and  even  the  customs'  sector  with   have the upper hand over Nigerians because
             regards to export and import duties. They get    Nigerians are greater than them and God is
             the money and yet you do not see the result. I   even far greater than them.
             would not like to say this as a Bishop about the
             government  of  Nigeria  at  every  level  but  I   Gadfly:  Thank  you  very  much my  Lord.  At
             think it is fast becoming a wicked bunch of the   this juncture, on behalf of the Seminary and
             Pharaohs  of  old  that  would  like  to  do     especially the  Gadfly Magazine,  we would
             everything  possible  to  make  sure  that  they   like  to  appreciate  you  for  having  this
             destroy Nigeria and also frustrate the citizens.   enlightening session with us, and we pray
             They are not giving any hope to anybody and      for  God's  grace  and  strength  upon  you  as
             there is no sign that things will improve in the   you continue to administer your Episcopal
             near  or  distant  future.  It  is  really  rather   duties  in  the  newly-erected  Diocese  of
             unfortunate.                                     Wukari. Thank you once more and God bless
                                                              you. Amen
             Still, as a Bishop, I would like to give Nigerians
             hope that even in the midst of these crises and   Bishop:  Thank  you.  I  appreciate  the  honour
             predicaments,  God  has  given  us  some         given to me to feature in this edition of your
             personal gifts and talents that we can develop.   Gadfly Magazine this year. I also admire your
             If Nigerians develop their creative ability and   z e a l   a s   y o u n g   p e o p l e   i n   t r y i n g   t o
             go into skill acquisition, time shall come when   philosophically  address  crucial  issues  that
             Nigerians  can  even  do  without  the           would propel the development of this great
             government to a large extent so, we must do      nation. May God continue to strengthen and
             something to help ourselves. Do not be idle      enlighten you all.
             and say that life is too difficult, life is too tough
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