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the image and likeness of God as well as the     so they must own up to the responsibility of
             lives of others. To such a great extent, when it   living up to the expectation of the public who
             comes to the issue of self-defense, what I will   put their trust in them.  In spite of that, every
             say as a bishop is that every Nigerian has the   Nigerian also has a personal responsibility for
             right to defend himself or herself but should    his own life and for the life of the nation. Every
             extend same gesture to others. It is not just    Nigerian has a right to develop himself; he has
             about  us  alone  as  individuals  but  the      a right to contribute to nation building; he has
             protection of life is a collective responsibility.   the  duty  to  improve  his  relationship  with
             This  is  where  our  Christianity  comes  in.   others and his service to the public. Inasmuch
             Whatever you have to do to secure your life,     as  we  try  to  hold  the  public  officers
             you should also think of what you can do to      accountable, at the same time, we also have
             secure the lives of others, including the lives of   that civic responsibility to ensure that Nigeria
             those  who  are  involved  in  some  of  these   becomes  better,  greater  and  cleaner.  I  have
             criminal  activities.  This  is  because  sadly   that duty to ensure that in my little space, I am
             enough,  when  some  of  these  persons  are     doing  everything  possible  to  make  the
             caught, at times they are subjected to some      country  cleaner  and  better.  That  being  the
             form of jungle justice and in the process, they   case,  we  have  the  responsibility  to  clean  up
             may  even  end  up  losing  their  lives.  By    ourselves  and  our  environment,  to  develop
             implication,  this  means  that  we  have        ourselves, and as well, allow our cultural, social
             individual  and  collective  responsibility      and religious values to impact on our health
             towards ensuring justice, unity, development     h a b i t s ,   h y g i e n e ,   e n v i r o n m e n t a l
             and peace of the nation as a whole.  When an      consciousness, and our general well-being.
             enabling environment is created for all to
             thrive,  Nigerians  have  the  exceptional            Gadfly: Prior to the general elections,
             capacity,  resilience  and  creativity  to               the  Catholic  Church  in  particular,
             pick up the pieces of their lives once                     through  her  pastors,  relentlessly
             again.  Crime  waves  can  be                                encouraged  her  members  to
             reduced to the barest minimum                                 exercise  their  civic  duties  of
             when the art of governance also                                procuring the voters cards and
             improves  in  our  land.  National                             doing  the  actual  voting  to
             security  is  our  collective  duty                            which  many  complied.  Now
             and  our  obligation.  Both  the                               that  all  that  did  not  pay  off
             citizens and the government at                                 especially with regards to the
             all levels must play their part in                             presidency,  how  can  we
             improving  the  fortunes  of  this                            convince  them  to  embark  on
             great country. We must think, not                           the  same  process  with  same
             only of ourselves but also of others; as                  electoral  officers  in  the  same
             such,  for  me,  I  see  security  as  both  a         system again?
             personal and a collective responsibility.
                                                              Bishop:  Thank  you.  It  is  a  fact  that  we  the
             Gadfly:  Your  Lordship,  although  it  is  true   pastors  of  the  Church  have  that  divine
             that the living conditions in most parts of      mandate  and  responsibility  to  exercise  our
             the country are in a sorry state due to the      prophetic  mission  by  teaching  what  is  right
             failure of the government to provide decent      and  by  educating  the  conscience  of  our
             habitable  conditions  for  her  citizens        people as well as conscientising them to be
             nevertheless,  it  remains  a  fact  that  many   a b l e   t o   t a k e   s e r i o u s l y   t h e i r   c i v i c
             Nigerians  too  are  not  doing  their  part  in   responsibilities. It is our duty to do that, and
             keeping  their  environment  clean  due  to      the  Bishops  did  this  so  well  during  the  last
             their carefree and negligent hygiene habits.     elections and as such, the failure is not on the
             What can you say to Nigerians about this?        part of the Church and its pastors. The failure is
                                                              on  the  electoral  system  and  on  the  corrupt
             Bishop: Thank you so much. I think Nigerians     political  structure  that  we  have  in  Nigeria
             are  always  in  the  habit  of  blaming  the    which  allows  people  to  buy  their  ways  into
             government but actually, we have the right to    government  and  then  use  the  same
             do that. The reason why we have to hold the      government  to  oppress  and  suppress  the
             government  accountable  is  that  they  are     same  citizens  who  supposedly  put  them
             holding  forth  our  common  sovereignty,  our   there. For me, if you know the right thing, and
             commonwealth and our collective resources        you  continue  to  preach  the  right  thing  and
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