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encourage the people to do the      se  there  were  some  certain  government  officials  and
             right thing, then you are on the    politicians  who  could  not  go  back  again.  Some  of  the
             right track because the gospel      governors, especially in our region here in the middle belt
             has to be preached, as St. Paul     who wanted to proceed to the senate could not because the
             would tell us, at all times -  both   people voted them out. To some great extent the work that
             in season and out of season. We     the  Bishops  did  was  not  totally  in  vain.  As  you  already
             have  the  duty  to  rebuke,  to    asserted,  it  was  actually  at  the  federal  level,  particularly
             educate, to correct wrongs, to      regarding  the  presidential  election  that  we  had  a  very
             prick  the  conscience  of  the     serious challenge. At other levels however, I think the people
             people and sting them towards       did  their  best.  The  only  unfortunate  thing  is  that  the
             right conduct. We equally have      presidency is the supreme authority in this country and has
             the  duty  to  challenge  the       overwhelming  power  that  can  determine  a  lot  of  things
             powers that be as long as they      which can even affect the other tiers of government. For the
             are not ready to take correction    election  itself  in  general  however,  what  the  Bishops  as
             or turn over a new leave but are
                                                 pastors  of  the  Church  did  actually  paid  off  because  the
             bent on  sustaining the corrupt
                                                 people did well and it affected a lot of things at other levels. It
             and unjust system or structure
                                                 is now left for them to continue their prophetic mission until
             they  have  created  in  order  to
                                                 they are able to get to the federal level, and once they get
                                                 there eventually, it would mean that they have achieved one
             perpetuate  themselves  in
                                                 hundred percent success. For now, let us say it is around
                                                 seventy or eighty percent achievement because if it affected
             In spite of that, if you observed
                                                 the other levels, it means that we can do better next time to
             REV. DR
             the last elections very well, you
                                                 be able to get to the top and I believe that it is very possible.
             would discovered that at other
             levels, the people did their best
                                                 Gadfly: Considering the present extreme difficult living
                                        b e c
                                                 conditions  in  Nigeria  that  seem  not  to  be  getting  any
                                                 better,  my  Lord,  how  can  Nigerians  be  encouraged  to
                                                 cope and hope for the better?
                                                 Bishop:  The  living  condition  is  bad  and  quite
                                                 unprecedented  because  there  is  a  serious  failure  in
                                                 governance as never experienced before in the history of
                                                 democracy  in  this  country.  Nigerians  are  very  good  at
                                                 talking; at articulating their ideas, and as the president of
                                                 Gabon  would  say,  at  making  noise.  We  are  very  good  in
                                                 making  noise  when  we  are  dealing  with  the  art  of
                                                 governance but when it comes to the critical matter of the
                                                 delivery  of  the  dividends  of  democracy,  I  see  a  lot  of
                                                 loopholes  and  a  lot  of  failures.  I  see  also  that  we  are  not
                                                 making any effort to improve. The essence of governance is
                                                 actually the improvement of the life and the welfare of the
                                                 people. If however you are in government and the people
                                                 are  suffering,  they  are  desperate  and  are
             MAIGIDA  dying  at  an
                                                 alarming rate, then we need to pause and ask questions. The
                                                 way  Nigerians  are  dying  these  days  is  quite  alarming
                                                 because  wherever  they  turn,  it  would  seem  they  are
                                                 confronted  with  a  brick  wall  as  they  have  no  access  to
                                                  meaningful means of livelihood; they cannot get the basic
                                                      meals; they cannot afford the fees of their children, they
                                                         cannot  afford  medical  bills  or  electrical  bills  and
                                                          even decent housing. These are basic necessities
                                                           of  life  but  many  Nigerians  cannot  cope  with
                                                             these  today  because  of  the  terrible  and  bad
                                                              policies of the present government. They keep
                                                               changing  and  introducing  policies  that  are
                                                                anti-people.  You  remove  the  fuel  subsidy,
                                                                 you  hike  the  electricity  tariff,  the  price  of
                                                                  diesel continues to skyrocket beyond the
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