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                              AND THE REALITY OF CORRUPTED NIGERIANS;

                       A CALL FOR CHANGE!

                                                J A M E S  F E L I X  D U N G

            INTRODUCTION                                      era of colonisation of Nigeria by Britain in the 19th
                                                              century through to the 20th century. During this
                  he government in her capacity has made for   period,  Nigeria  was  colonised  politically,
                  years  now,  efforts  to  minimize  corruption   economically,  and  socio-culturally.  The  British,
            Tthrough the enforcement of laws and order,       during  this  period  of  colonisation,  infused
            but with little success. People's attitudes remain   Nigerians  with  ostentatious  life  style  (16).  In
            unchanged  and  are  believed  to  have  led  to   addition, during the colonial era, Nigerian leaders,
            corruption.  However,  this  article  contained  a   both  traditional  and  political,  were  often  given
            query that will shed more light on the reality of   bribes in order to engage and facilitate slave trade.
            corruption  in  Nigeria  and  its  impact  on  the   This act of bribery exposed Nigerian and African
            country’s  progress.  The  promise  of  faithfulness,   leaders at large, to ostentatious life style, which
            loyalty,  and  honesty  pledged  in  the  Nigeria’s   made it imperative for them to indulge in corrupt
            pledge, and to uphold the country in unity, in so   practices.    This  gave  rise  to  corrupt  tendencies
            many  instances  seems  unachievable;  and        among  the  leaders  during  this  period,  thereby
            thoughNigeria,  being  not  inherently  corrupt,  is   laying  the  foundation  of  corruption  at  a
            plague  by  these  irredeemed  pledges  and       monumental scale in Nigeria. (16-17).
            individuals who engage in corrupt practices and
            hindering  the  country’s  progress.  In  whatever   SOME  OF  THE  PERSISTENT  CAUSES  OF
            manner, by redeeming these pledges, addressing    CORRUPTION IN NIGERIA:
            and tackling these corrupt practices, we can work
            towards  restoring  Nigeria’s  innocence  and     1.      POLITICAL OFFICE
            creating a better future for all citizens.        Political  offices  have  become  cash-cows  for
                                                              politicians  who  perpetuate  political  corruption.
            NIGERIA  IS  NOT  CORRUPT,  SOME  NIGERIANS       “Political  corruption  is  the  abuse  or  misuse  of
            ARE.                                              public  or  governmental  power  for  illegitimate
            Corruption is a complex issue with deep-rooted    private  advantage”.  Relevant  conceptions  of
            causes.  The  word  "corruption"  from  its  origin  is   political  corruption  include:  efforts  to  secure
            derived  from  the  Latin  word  "corruptus"  which   wealth or power through illegal means for private
            signifies  to  "destroy".  Corruption  as  a  term  is   benefit  at  public  expense,  the  violation  of
            uncertain  and  devoid  of  any  strait-jacket    established rules for personal gain or profit, and
            definition, it all depends on who is defining it and   perversion  of  rules  for  the  benefit  of  oneself  or
            from  what  perspective  and  for  what  purpose   one’s  party,  friend  or  family.  Other  forms  of
            (Musa and Awa, 91). For Momoh, this means that    political  corruption,  obvious  in  Nigeria  include;
            corruption  as  a  concept  is  in  the  eye  of  the   bribery, extortion, rigging of elections, influence
            beholder (3). Hence, corruption can be said to be   peddling  fraud,  embezzlement,  nepotism,
            an unpleasant practice against the order or rule   patronage, misrule and so on (George and Joy 84).
            set for common good.
                                                              2.      UNEMPLOYMENT
            The  background  of  corrupt  practices  in  Nigeria   The rate of unemployment in Nigeria, especially
            can be the period in the historical development of   among the young graduates, has led many youths
            Nigeria  that  marks  the  starting  point  of    to corruption. They second to Dubbed Zlatan, who
            corruption.  Recently,  corruption  has  become  a   sang a song titled ‘laslas school na scam’. But the
            culture  that  permeates  all  aspects  of  our  lives.   same  musician  graduated  with  a  national
            Despite  the  fact  that,  corruption  is  not  equally   diploma  in  business  administration  from
            manifested  everywhere,  its  degree  or  intensity   Moshood Abiola polytechnic after he had started
            varies from one society to another which can be   a carrier in music (Omeje, 12-13). They agreed with
            attributed  to  certain  reasons  (Momoh,  16).   him,  as  against  the  2024  mantra  “No  gree  for
            Corruption  in  Nigeria  however,  has  colonial   anybody”,  maybe  this  came  late.  With  that  in
            antecedents and invariably, it can be traced to the   mind,  many  youth  would  prefer  not  schooling;
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