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the composition of government spending, often
                                                              to the detriment of others and future economic
                                                              growth  (web),  thereby,  causing  hunger  on  its
                                                              citizens.  Little  wonder,  the  popular  Nigerian
                                                              saying says “the cost of living in Nigeria wants to
                                                              kill the living”. And, to my surprise, the Daily Trust
                                                              News Paper reported that “Patients skip dosage to
                                                              save  cost”  (Gbenga,  Saturday,  2nd  November
                                                              2023). One would really marvel at how difficult it is
                                                              to survive in this country, the high prices of goods
                                                              and other realities. Like, how, why, and who is then
                                                              responsible  for  the  inflation  and  deflation  of
                                                              goods,  and  why  is  it  not  meeting  the  common
            after  all,  they  say-there  is  no  employment.  But,
            because they must surely live, the temptation to   standard of our livelihood?
            fend  for  themselves  in  whatever  way  becomes   In the face of these challenges, there is a need to
            irresistible;  at  which  stealing,  hacking  into   work  towards  restoring  the  innocence  of  our
            people’s  account,  confidence  tricking  or       country;  this,  we  can  achieve  by  taking
            scamming,  and  yahoo  plus  become  the  way.    responsibility in the capacity, circumstances place
            These  unemployed  persons  of  our  country  are   you. For “He, who saves his country, saves himself,
            often  used  as  thugs;  causing  violence,  disorder,
            examination  and  all  forms  of  malpractices,   save all things and all things saved do less him!
                                                              Who let his country die let all things die, and dies
            because  they  actually  do  not  have  anything  to   himself ignorably and all things dying curse him…”
            keep them away from idleness. But, by employing   (Senator Benjamin Hill).
            and  offering  jobs  to  young  graduates,  this
            argument  that  “school  na  scam”  which  has    CONCLUSION
            become  a  cliché  among  youths,  will  not  hold
                                                              Nigeria is known to be the Giant of Africa. But on
                                                              the contrary, there are realities that stare us in the
            3.     INSECURITY                                 face  making  Nigeria  less  believably  the  giant  of
            The  questions  about  groups  such  as  cultists,   Africa.  Unless  we  stand  to  make  Nigeria  worth
            unknown  gunmen,  bandits  and  kidnappers  are   what Africans call her, then she is not worth it. The
            yet  to  be  answered.    How  did  these  groups   clarion  call:  ARISE,  O  COMPATRIOT!  Is  for  all;
            originate and for what purpose(s)? Security which   graduate or undergraduate, with or without job,
            is the opposite of insecurity means the situation
            where citizens are free from threats to their lives,   leader  or  follower  etc.  Let  us  put  the  end  to
            properties and means of livelihood. Unfortunately,   stealing,  kidnapping,  bribery,  fraud,  lobbying,
                                                              extortion,  nepotism,  and  embezzlement,
            government has not played a pivotal role as far as   (corruption  in  whatever  conceived  form)  and
            security  matters  are  concerned  in  Nigeria    redeem  the  pledges  we  made  to  Nigeria;  our
            (Achumba and Akpor, web). Even in their homes,    country to be, faithful, loyal and honest, to serve
            citizens are not assured of safety; there are killings   Nigeria with all our strength and to uphold her in
            and kidnapping of students, priests and pastors   unity and glory”. These achieved, the Nigeria of our
            and other victims for ransom. The Nigeria Security
            Tracker (NST) provides in-depth data and analysis   dreams will come true!
            of kidnapping incidence and killing in Nigeria, for
            instance;  from  December  2019-to-January  2020:
            the  Nigerian  army  killed  one  hundred  (100)    WORKS CITED
            bandits in  Zamfara,  4th  January,  2020: Gunmen   Atelhe, George Atelhe, and Joy U. Egwu: Corruption and Political Governance
                                                                in Nigeria:
            killed four (4) and kidnapped ten (10) in Wukari,       Implication  for  National  Development.  Abakalik  African  Journal  of
            Taraba State, 8th January, 2020: bandits abducted   Politics and Administrative

                                                                    Studies, Vol.6, 1; March, 2014
            four  seminarians  in  Ikara,  Kaduna,  9th  January,   Omeje, Kingsley. “School is a Scam: The Tragedy of Education in Nigeria.”
                                                                Peace! Be Still. The
            2020: sectarian violence led to thirteenth deaths in     2022  Awakening Light  2022/2023 Vol. 18 No. 4, pp 12-13. DasilverConceptz
            Mangu, Plateau, and many more instances (NST,       Gbenga Rebecca. Daily Trust Newspaper. Saturday, 2nd  December 2023
            web).                                               Musa,  Awa  U.  K  and  Osinbajo  Y.  Perspective  on  Corruption  and  other
                                                                Economic Crimes in
                                                                    Nigeria, Lagos. The Federal Ministry of Justice. 1991
                                                                Momoh,Zekeri. Faces of Corruption in Nigeria. Global Emancipation Multi-
            4.     ECONOMIC CORRUPTION                          services Ltd. No. 3
            Economic  corruption  is  a  major  problem  in     Plateau 2003
                                                                Council  on  Foreign  Relationships.  Nigeria  Security  Tracker.
            Nigeria,  it  deals  with  the  misuse  of  public accessed 8th February, 2024
                                                                Achumba and Akpor, Nigeria Security Challenge: implications for Sustainable
            economic power for private benefit and its impact    E c o n o m i c    g r o w t h    a n d    D e v e l o p m e n t .
            on society. The effect of this is that, it discourages   www.NigeriaSecurityChallenge:implicationsforSustainableEconomicgrowtha
                                                                ndDevelopment.comaccessed 8th February, 2024
            investment,  limits  economic  growth,  and  alters
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