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just thought to myself that this talent shouldn’t socio-cultural environment does not view them
go to waste when I can monetize it. Also, some in good light thus, they tend to see themselves
people have low, medium, and high libido; mine and their lives in a more negative and critical
is very high. I’m always in the mood, so why not?” light (Ofondu). Moreover, Maxwell and other
(Osaji). There are however many other reasons researchers have found substantial evidence
why male escorting is booming in Nigeria. A that there is strong co-occurrence between
professor of Sociology at Ahmadu Bello prostitution, drug use, drug selling, and
University, John Gyong, sees the prevalence of involvement in non-drug crime, particularly
male prostitution as an insignia of missing property crime (Alobo and Ndifon).
societal values. It shows how morally corrupt
Nigeria has become and how much our values RECOMMENDATION
have worn-out (Osaji). Another essential factor Many literatures regarding male escorting
causing male escorting to blossom in Nigeria is apparently buttress economic factors as the
poverty; an aftermath of unstable economy and
unemployment. Direct influence by peers, leading factor contributing to the flourishing of
lazines as well as lack of parental guidance are male escorting in Nigeria. This has placed a
also contributing factors, as many parents have moral as well as legal burden on the government
fallen short of their expected role of preparing by implication. Others have however proven that
and educating their children for them to the masses are not devoid of a role to play. Sequel
become successful and responsible adults. to this, the government must take a bold step
towards improving the living conditions of the
Moreover, the changing dynamics of gender
equality has contributed to the rise of male masses. They should see to the making and
escorting (Ofondu). e n f o r c i n g o f l a w s a g a i n s t t h i s
catastrophe as well as address cases
of abuse on children, sensitise the
The place of sex in the union of masses on the menace of male
m a r r i a g e c a n n o t b e escorting. On the part of the
overemphasized, as denial of masses, there is an urgent need to
sex can breathe chaos in cooperate with the government
marriages, as such, many to revive solid cultural and social
clients hire male escorts values which have eluded our
when their par tners society as a result of the so-called
cannot satisfy their modernisation and civilisation.
sexual needs 0and some Parents must be aware of their
other crazy or awkward r e s p o n s i b i l i t y t h e r e b y ,
sexual fantasies (like d i s c h a r g i n g t h e m
doing a threesome) commensurately. One must learn
(Munjal).There are cases to regulate their sexual desires,
of ladies who do not t while couples work towards
want to be bound by a improving their sexual life.
single person or in any
commitments (due to some rash
treatments they had experienced CONCLUSION
with men and other reasons) but want to be In the midst of the changing dynamics of our
sexually active. Other cases involve people with contemporary society, where intimacy and
high sexual libido; those who always want to commerce continue to interplay at the expense
engage in sexual activities, exploring its different of our robust cultural heritage and morals,
aspects (Munjal). combating the conundrum of male escorting
appears to be an arduous mission; but not a
mission impossible. It must however be noted
EFFECTS OF MALE ESCORTING that everyone has a part to play. In the words of
There are many consequences that accompany Barack Obama: “Active citizenship is not just a
the flourishing of male escorting. One right; it is a responsibility. Engaging with the
prominent effect is the increased spread of government ensures that our collective voice
Sexually Transmitted Diseases such as Syphilis, shapes the course of our society” hence, there
HIV/AIDS and gonorrhoea, (Nnatu). Many escorts must be a symphony between the government
in Nigeria have met their untimely death while and the citizens in the battle to eliminate this
discharging their daily business activity as a cankerworm which has eaten deep into our
result of the nature of the business (as seen in contemporary society. Arise, O Nigerians! Male
ritual killing). Male escorts are bound to battle escorting is not the best way to a better life. We
with low or loss of self-esteem as a result of the are worth more than that.
perception the society has about them; our