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The fact that everyone on the street seems like a the police station to report, they have already been
potential murderer waiting for their crime scene is done. Police and other security agencies should
a chilling reality. The Nigerian society needs to be found patrolling the streets to check for
cultivate a culture of life and protection rather misconduct. Their presence alone will influence
than a culture of killing. the actions of the people and deter them from
taking laws into their hands for fear of being
The current state of the judiciary and law
enforcement in Nigeria only adds to the situation.
The act first- think later approach to justice has The judiciary should be transparent and timely in
further entrenched the “jungleness” of the passing judgment: Most people opine that we
country. Love for one another, as taught by Jesus witness jungle justice because the judiciary is
(c.f. Mat 22:34-40), should be the guiding principle often biased, not transparent, and timely in its
rather than resorting to murder as a first line of judgement. Some even argue that when suspects
action. The issue of unemployment and resource are taken to the police station it is believed that
scarcity also plays a significant role in the with influence and money, they could be granted
prevalence of jungle justice, as desperate and bail without paying for their crimes and then they
marginalised individuals often take part in such will come back and continue terrorising the
acts. community. The judiciary and security agencies
should play their parts, so people can believe in
the system.
The impunity with which the murderers
of Fwimbe walk free on the streets is a
stark reminder of how vulnerable Sensitisation/Education: Many
we all are to jungle justice. This people are not aware or claim
culture of killing not harms not to be aware, however,
innocent individuals but ignorance should not be an
also undermines the very excuse. People should be
fabric of the nation. made to understand that it is
against the rule of law and a
p u n i s h a b l e o f f e n s e to
It is high time we went partake in jungle justice so
back to our fundamental they could take caution. The
teachings towards the government should put
dignity of humanity and together enlightenment
the sanity of our society
found in either the Holy programme to dissuade
people from engaging in
Bible or the Qur'an.
mob justice. Many people are
not aware or claim not to be
Here are ways in which Above all, jungle justice is a
Jungle Justice can be rebellion against nature, it is a
s t o p p e d i n N i g e r i a rebellion against humanity and it is
a c c o r d i n g t o E n a g also prohibited under the 1999
Wisdom. Nigerian Constitution as amended. We
The government should all should desist from it in order to make
pass a bill against jungle this Country better. It is time for us to arise
justice in Nigeria: A as good citizens of Nigeria in saying no to
working bill should be mob killing and allowing the government to
passed, prohibiting the perform their role of ensuring the protection of
act of mob justice in life and property and to make justice prevail in all
Nigeria. It should be circumstances. We all have a role to play in this as
stated clearly that, it means disregarding the rule individual Nigerians.
of law, and that it is a punishable offense. There
should be serious punitive measures for anyone
involved in mob justice. Works Cited
Enang, wisdom. 5 ways to stop jungle Justice in Nigeria. ProGuide, 9th
Accessed 19th January 2024.
Offenders should be punished: Often times the New Community Bible, Catholic Edition.
perpetrators of jungle justice do go unpunished. justice Accessed, 24th October, 2023. the menace of jungle justice. Accessed, 24th
Offenders should be made to face the October, 2023
consequences of their actions in order to warn Ignatius NnaemekaOnwutuegwu. Jungle Justice: A Peak of Failure of
Humanity. International Journal of Scientific Research in Easy and Case
others and possibly discontinue such a vile act. Studies, Volume 1, No. 1,pp.12-20-2020.
Security Agencies should be closer to the people: Mafeng, Dennis Gyang. Line of Insight. 2023
They say the police is our friend but we hardly see
them around, most times before we could run to