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related to one another (by
b l o o d , m a r r i a g e o r
adoption). That is, there is
a common character
shared by all those in a
family. No wonder, the
Cliché "family first" has
thrived and become a
problem today, as we feel
it is naturally necessary to
p r o t e c t a n d c o m e
through for those who
share some traits with us,
"FAMILY thus not minding, so to
say, the feelings and
horizons of those outside
In political philosophy, the
FIRST": model for organisation
family is regarded as a
a n d e v e n d i f f e r e n t
systems of government.
The family either explains
the structure of certain
A CLICHÉ WITH INHERENT kinds of state in terms of
FORCES ANTAGONISING the structure of the
family, or it attempts to
THE PATRIOTIC POTENTIALS justify certain types of
IN CITIZENS OF A state by appealing to the
structure of the family.
DETERIORATING NATION The first proponent of this
was Aristotle, who argued
t h a t t h e n a t u r a l
progression of human
beings was from the
Agbo Johnson
family through small
communities to the polis
The Cliché "Family First"
mong the different institutions that make up the w h i c h i s t h o u g h a n
heterogeneous society is the Family, whose place is ideology turned reality
Avery paramount for a society to thrive alongside the has propelled so much
other institutions. A society that is not in one piece injustice in our world
experienced such backdrop because one or some of the today and Nigeria is
institutions are faulty. The family is not also left out of the suffering this a great deal.
problematic strata responsible for the unruly, unpatriotic When one is at the helm
and static state of a society like ours in Nigeria. of affairs, the expectations
of his immediate family
Patriotism: This means to know and be proud of the history a n d s o m e t i m e s ,
of one's people; to preserve the material and spiritual community, become a
heritage created by great ancestors and pass it on to future burden with pressure that
generations; to study the traditions, customs and traditions usurp the attentions and
of the ancestors, to continue the part of it that has become a privileges due for the
value (Ruslan 313). Family: According to an English masses. Some of these
dictionary, the family is a group of people who are closely opportunities that the