Page 58 - Maddie
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IG - misssarahchan  Sarah                     Mom

                                                           Edmonton’s First Lady

                                                           Exclusive Interview by Sophia Wojdak

                     any  notable  Canadian  figures   these unprecedented times, and how she   their own poverty fighting projects, and
                     are well rounded, but  Sarah   is thankful to still be able to  engage in   marking   those youths achievements
             MChan seems to have knowledge   her many projects despite lockdowns.  in the community.   “I’ve been working
              and expertise about everything under the  Among other organizations, Sarah Chan   with young people my  whole life and
              sun. Some may know this  talented  mu-  works heavily with the United Way and   often feel that they are underestimated.
              sician and  philanthropist as the wife of   the BGCBigs. “ My interest in community  We need to make sure we give  space
              Edmonton Mayor Don Iveson, but today   building is  poverty elimination as it is   and opportunities so that people can
              I was introduced to an  educated, talent-  related to support of students and fami-  demonstrate what they are capable of.”  
              ed, working mom and community builder  lies, and early  intervention and educa- Adding on to her statements about youth,
              that has inspired many. We   discussed   tion for students.  All of that is still ongo-  she spoke about how much a learning

              everything from the changing dynamics   ing, and the social aspects  of how I get   experience  mentorship has been for her.
              of education during the Covid-19 pan-  that stuff done have made a transition to  “What you really get out of that relation-
              demic  to her work with charities under  a virtual landscape very well.”  She  also   ship is friendship and   connection. It’s
              the United Way, as well as how she has   discussed how her husband’s job has   about  having  someone  else who  can
              maintained her  integrity and self-respect   changed, whereas he would typically be   come in and still listen and reflect  and
              throughout her career. We also got the   out of town  and collaborating with fed- connect with the things that are import-
              opportunity to discuss how  she hopes to   eral officials, they now have more time to- ant to you.”  
              leave a lasting impact on impressionable   gether as a family. Sarah  also comment-  We then shifted our conversation to the
              youth in her community.           ed on how both she and her husband’s   arts, something both of us are very large
               We began the interview by discussing   jobs have been shifted farther away from   proponents  of. Sarah Chan works as a
              how she has been balancing her chari-  public events to just the core projects and   piano teacher and has an Arts degree in
              ty work and   teaching business during   responsibilities they have.   Literature and Music  Performance, and
                                                 Sarah Chan’s charity resume is miles   a Masters in Integrated Studies. She was
                                                long, but we focused on  Denton’s Make   eager to share not only the social  and
                                                  your Mark  which is a youth initiative   emotional benefits of the arts for youth
                                                    that she created with the United Way.  but the scientific impact that comes
                                                     Edmonton was launching its  “End   along with  music. She spoke about the
                                                      Poverty Edmonton,” campaign   importance of developing new neural
                                                       around  the  time  she  decided   pathways through  music--especially for
                                                        to form this initiative and  was   youth who are developing or youth who
                                                        given a unique perspective   suffered from trauma.  “It’s the  only way
                                                         on how to tackle it.   “We are   to scientifically rebuild your brain which
                                                         talking about ending pov-  is pretty phenomenal. An arts   edu-
                                                         erty in   a generation, but   cation is often underrated. It teaches
                                                         who’s talking to young peo- you to learn how to communicate and
                                                         ple? If you want people to   think  critically.”  She also spoke about
                                                         know about it,   first people   the cultural significance of art and its im-
                                                        have to be educated about   portance to multiple   communities. We
                                                        it. Young people have a lot   also discussed the specific arts opportu-
                                                        to offer. It isn’t just   about   nities available in Edmonton, and  what
                                                          writing cheques, it’s about   was so unique about them. Sarah Chan
                                                              involving yourself in   works with many theatres and organiza-
                                                                the community.”  The   tions  across Edmonton, and was eager to
                                                                 granting   program   respond,  “I like that the Edmonton arts
                                                                 works  to support   scene is so  collaborative. I have gotten
                                                                 applicants forming   invited to do a lot of theatre things and

                                                                 Photo - Ryan Parker
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