Page 62 - Maddie
P. 62


                                                             former corner store

                                                                 edmonton, Alberta

                                                               “ On a brief trip to Edmonton in the 1990’s I took
                                                              this impromptu picture of an intriguing old building
                                                              in the inner city. Soon thereafter it was demolished.
             Above/ Corner store left side of photo            For years I wondered if it might have been a corner
               - circa 1908                                    store - buildings which are close to my heart. So I
             Below/ 1990’s before it was demolished           posted the picture asking if anyone had information.

                                                               I was quickly rewarded with this amazing 1908 pho-
                                                               tograph. Not only was it a corner store, there was
                                                                another corner store directly across the street ! “


                  tremblay school


                                                                         Above/ Tremblay School - class of 1902
                 “ This 1892 metal-clad one room school in Manitoba      Below/ Still standing - 126 years later!
                marks the furthest distance I have ever traveled for a
                 then-and-now photo study. For 3 days enroute I was
               worried sick it would be gone when I finally got there. But
                when I turned up that final gravel road and saw it there
                in the distance, right where it had stood for 126 years!
                 I breathed a huge sigh of relief. The top photo shows
                                 the class of 1902.”

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