Page 59 - Maddie
P. 59
Photo - Jason Symington
Sophia Wojdak is a freelance writer &
contributor for teenLook. Find more about her
and her work via Instagram @ _sophiarosalie_
it’s been really fun to lean into things sitions. Teaching is really a part of who
that feel purely Sarah Chan, and not I am and I have always stayed true to
just ‘the mayor’s wife,’ because that’s that even though it doesn’t get taken
temporary, but who I am as an artist-- seriously in some places.”
that’s forever.” Sarah Chan also discussed the impor-
We had an opportunity to talk more tance of integrity and standing your
about the city she is so heavily involved ground, and how calling people out
in, and her favourite aspects of it. She when they are disrespectful and unkind
explained how many of her friends is so important even though it can often
moved away from Edmonton to cities be difficult. “I am proud of myself for
like London and New York, and how continuing to be who I am and holding
she and her husband wanted to work myself accountable and the people
together to try to bring some of the posi- around me accountable to my stan-
tive aspects of those unique cities to their dards of respect.” road to success.
hometown. She also praised the public When asked what advice she would “Surround yourself with real people.
education system in Edmonton and the give a young version of herself if she There are a lot of people out there real-
hardworking teachers and administra- could go back in time, she had a great ly good at pretending and manipulat-
tors that make it a possibility for youth. answer. ing. I would say trust your gut. I like to
“Public education, my family is here, and “ You don’t have to go so fast! For so be transparent.” She also talked about
I love the river valley. I also love the long I believed how much I did meant the importance of starting a conversa-
people,--they are very open and that’s how much worth I had, it’s okay to slow tion with those who don’t always agree
not the same everywhere.” down. What’s the rush?” with you and not just ignoring tensions
A proud working mom, Sarah Chan On the topic of advice for young people, or disagreements, even though it takes
shared how homeschooling her young she discussed how social media can be a a lot of bravery to do so. “ Be brave.
children has been during this pan- double-edged sword for youth, as well Be transparent, trust your gut and sur-
demic, and the advice she has for oth- as the harmful double standard many round yourself with good people. Peo-
er parents dealing with the same thing. women face. “Social culture and imag- ple who will be with you when you fall
“Don’t be afraid to adapt and hold the es can be really damaging, and a lack flat on your face but people who will
kids capable.” She praised both of her of authenticity can be dangerous. I just also challenge you. All the other an-
children, both having to do homeschool feel as girls we are held to a way higher swers you are looking from will come
elementary classes, for being hardwork- standard. It leads to perceptions of self- from you.”
ing and responsible as they go on this worth.” She also talked about how det- She ended off our interview by reiterat-
journey together. rimental that pressure to succeed can be, ing her advice for women everywhere,
We also had the opportunity to discuss “Then we burn out because we have emphasizing the importance of being
what balancing so many charitable en- been working 3 times as hard as every- brave and holding those around you
deavours and being a working mom is one else to be taken seriously. It’s ex- to a standard of respect. I encourage
like. She expressed her admiration for hausting, plus you’re supposed to look everyone to look into more of the char-
mothers everywhere, using whatever perfect and be polite. Social media can itable and creative projects this notable
system works best for them and is proud help accelerate those things.” We then woman has been working on or take a
of the achievements she has made. She talked about how serious the issue of cy- gander at the hilarious videos she and
told me about how hard she worked berbullying towards women running for her husband make on tik tok (even the
while her husband was first running for political office can be, and how harmful busiest most hardworking individuals
city council, and how her career as a it has become over the years. Despite have to take a little break to have fun!) It
musician and teacher doesn’t always get all of the difficulties that ring true in our was a pleasure and an honour to learn
the recognition it deserves. “I’m really modern world, Sarah Chan had some the story of this inspiring woman, so keep
proud that I have been able to maintain great words of advice for young women your eye on the media to see what in-
my career throughout all of these tran- who may be struggling on their personal credible projects she will be doing next!