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                              Newspaper for Micro, Small & Medium Scale Enterprises
          Issue No. 62                                Free Copy                                  September, 2020

         CELEBRATING AN ENTREPRENEUR                                                       The Power of
                                                                                         Creativity during

                                XYLO 360                                                            .....Page 4

                 “Our Goal: To make your digital
             infrastructure more robust & secure”                                      SEC to Introduce

                                             understanding  of  what  it                 Crowd Funding
                                             takes  to  secure  them.  We
                                             are the only provider of true                   in Ghana
                                             p e r f o r m a n c e - b a s e d                      .....Page 5
                                             information  security
                                             services/consulting.  Let
                                             Xylo360  secure  your                            How to Pay
                                             business by letting us find                     Yourself as a
                                             the  issues  before  others                   Sole Proprietor
                                             threats) do.                                         .....Page 13

                                             I.T  Security  Assessment           sector millions every year,
           Issue No. 20                      (penetration  testing)  can         cyber security is now high
                                             help  protect  applications         on the strategic agenda.
                                             by  exposing  weaknesses
                                             that provide an alternative
                 Mr. Nathaniel Ayettey                                           The  deliverables  will  be  a
                  Managing Partner           route  to  sensitive  data.
                    Xylo 360                                                     report  and  result  analysis
                                             Xylo360  will  help  protect        with  the  client  and
                ylo360  is  a  vendor        your  digital  enterprise
                neutral  consulting          against  cyber-attacks  and         remedial action which will
       Xfirm  that  specializes              i n t e r n a l   m a l i c i o u s    be  dependent  on  the
       in  Information  Security             behavior  with  end-to-end          results and what the next
       Services.  The  team  is              monitoring,  advising  and          course of action should be.
       experienced, trained and are          defensive services.
       c e r t i f i e d   s e c u r i t y                                       Whether you are looking for
       professionals  with  a  broad         The more you know about             advice, testing or auditing
       range of information security         your  vulnerabilities  and          services,  it  is  our  job  as
       skills  supplemented  by              security controls, the more         information  risk,  security
       subject  matter  expertise  in        you  can  strengthen  your          and compliance specialists
       one or more of the security           organization  with  effective       to  keep  our  customers
       domains.                              procedures for governance,          protected  in  today's
                                                                                 dynamic risk environment.
                                             risk and compliance. With           Our elite team, experience
       Having  experience  in                the growth in cyber-attacks
       breaking  into  most  targets,        and data breaches costing           and  proven  approach
       Xylo360  has  a  very  good           business  and  the  public          keeps you protected with
                                                                                                      Continue on  pg 2

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