Page 1 - Triangle Summer 2006 Issue 1
P. 1
Welcome In This Issue
Provincial meeting Page 4
Brethren of the Mark Province of
Somerset I am delighted to introduce Endoscope appeal Page 3
to you our f rst Provincial news
letter. The Provincial Craft magazine New RAM Lodge Page 6
Compass, has long carried articles
concerning the Mark. We are of SAMMs News Page 6
course very grateful for the support
we receive from the Craft and we Mark and Mariners
hope that support will continue. What’s the connection?
However there is more information Page 7
you as brethren of our Mark Province
and your families should know, too 500 Club Page 3
much to expect the editor of Compass to publish!
The Triangle gives us the opportunity to keep everyone informed The 150th Anniversary,
of future events at both Lodge and Provincial levels. It will contain what’s happening? Page 3
reports on recent events in the Province in addition to items of
educational interest to Mark Masons and Royal Ark Mariners. Provincial Lodge of
It is our intention to publish two issues a year, in early September Improvement Page 4
and March, these will be sent by post direct to every Mark Mason
and Ark Mariner in the Province. The Deputy PGM, Ray Guthrie has Duties of a
agreed to edit the magazine, he will be looking to you all to provide Provincial Off cer Page 2
information and photos for possible inclusion in future issues.
I think it is worth reiterating here the comments that I made at our Mark Golf Day Page 4
Provincial meeting regarding our support for the Craft. Our P.G.M.
David Jenkins and the Craft Province in general have been very Provincial Ball Page 8
supportive of the Mark Degree. It is up to us as Mark Masons in turn
to continue to support our Craft Lodges particularly in introducing
new members who are like-minded and will enhance our Lodges.
The Craft is our membership pool and our success is dependent on
the strength and depth of that pool. Brethren please play your part SAMMs sprout up in
in making sure we continue to have strong Craft Lodges Brussels
I am looking forward to hearing your comments on the news letter On Saturday 2 of December
with great interest. For my part I am sure that Triangle will improve 2006 Somerset Ancient Mark
communications within our Province and help us further enjoy that Masters will perform their unique
spirt of friendship, for which Somerset Mark Masonry is so well ceremony at the Grand Lodge of
known. Belgium in Brussels. The meeting
David Nelson commemorates the 10 anniversary
of the Belgian Grand Lodge.
Provincial Grand Master