Page 2 - TRIANGLE Summer 2015 issue18
P. 2

Which is Frank?                                  St. Andrews Cheque

                                                                        On Thursday 16th. April W. Brother Roger Hutchings
                                                                        (WM) and W. Brother Geoff Seaman (IPM) travelled
                                                                        to Weston Zoyland to present a cheque for £500 to
                                                                        CEO & founder Wendy O’Carroll of the ‘Ups and
                                                                        Downs  South  West’  Down  Syndrome  Support
                                                                        After which, a return to Weston-super-Mare where
                                                                        they visited Weston Hospicecare based at Uphill.
                                                                        There they met CEO Gill Auden & Fund Raiser Blair
                                                                        Chadwick & presented the Hospice with an additional
                                                                        cheque for £500.
                                                                        These charities had been chosen by the St. Andrews
                                                                        Lodge previous Charity Steward Brother Lionel Curtis,
                                                                        sadly who recently died and IPM Geoff Seaman for
                                                                        monies raised by the Lodge during 2014.
                                                                        Top  picture  shows  Roger  &  Geoff  with  Wendy
                                                                        O’Carroll, & below with Gill Auden-seated, Blair
                                                                        Chadwick & two members of the nursing staff.
                                                                        ...Copy Geoff Seaman, pics, Ed.

          Brother Frank Saint was Advanced into the Else Lodge on Tuesday 17  March 2015.
          Strangely, he arrived & asked where he should sign in? “You don’t sign in yet Frank until
          you are a member” was the reply. “I’m Michael Saint” he said, “Frank’s my twin brother”!
          Michael, who is Provincial Junior Deacon in the Mark Province of Northumberland,
          had  just  driven  330  miles  from  Bedlington  to  be  with  his  twin  on  this  special  day!
          The ceremony was very pleasing for all who witnessed it & at the Festive Board Michael replied
          to the visitors toast with humour & a little teasing; a successful evening for all concerned.
          Frank tells me that he is the oldest, being two minutes older that ‘our kid’. Although
          in Masonic terms Michael is senior having had 30 years in the Craft to Frank’s 13!
          …Copy/pic, Ed.

           What is the connection between Mark &

                        Royal Ark Mariners?

         The  degree  of  Royal  Ark  Mariner   steps taken by Noah to build the Ark
         although  worked  under  the  aegis  of   by which mankind was preserved from
         the  Grand  Lodge  of  Mark  Master   perishing in the ‘Universal Deluge’
         Masons, & requiring every candidate   Like the Mark Master Mason’s Degree,
         to be a Mark Master Mason, has no   which is based on an established fact
         historical connection whatsoever with   i.e.  the  construction  of  the  Temple
         the Mark Degree. Mark Grand Lodge   at Jerusalem, so the degree of Royal
         rule over the ‘Ancient and Honourable   Ark Mariner is also based on an actual
         Fraternity  of  Royal  Ark  Mariners’   happening,  i.e.  the  Great  Flood,  as
         is  simply  a  quirk  of  faith.  It  stands   recorded in the Bible & as verified in  the  Mystery  Plays  of  the  seventeenth  century  &  continued
         entirely  alone  &  totally  unrelated  to   1929 by the archaeologist Sir Leonard  as catechisms in many of the early Masonic rituals. The first
         any other degree in Freemasonry.  Wooley,  who  not  only  found  clear  authentic  record  of  the  degree  appears  in  the  minutes  of  a
         It is thought that the degree is more   evidence of the flood, but established  meeting held in Bath in 1790.
         than two hundred years old and, as its   that it had occurred some 6,000 years  Acknowledgement is due to both W. Bro. John Oakley-Smith,
         name suggests, it has a nautical flavour   previously.     Herts, from an original paper by VW. Bro. Brian A. Vickers,
         taking for its setting the circumstances   The  legend  of  Noah,  his  sons,  the  Past DPGM London for the provision of this article.
         leading up to the Great Flood & the   Ark  &  the  deluge  were  enacted  in  First published in Triangle Issue No. 1, September 2006.

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