Page 3 - TRIANGLE Summer 2015 issue18
P. 3
Great weekend at Sandbanks
The first Mark Provincial Weekend at the Sandbanks Hotel, in Poole, the toast to the ladies proposed by Deputy PGM Philip. The response
Dorset was a welcomed break from the usual busy pace we all seem that followed was given by Mrs. June Hannabuss with great aplomb.
to experience these days! Those fortunate enough to arrive on Friday More was to follow; bouquets of flowers were presented by the PGM
were treated to a super dinner followed by a Disco playing music that to his lady Wendy, Gill Voisey, June Hannabuss and two special
suited the moods of all who enjoyed the evening. surprises Vanessa Johnstone-Smith celebrating her Birthday on this
After a hearty breakfast on Saturday morning, many of the brethren very evening, and Norman and Lee Ackland for their 60 Wedding
with their ladies, to escape the gale blowing them along the sea front Anniversary. Very special thanks to Robin Back, the Festival organiser
and happily waving their bus passes, took the short bus ride into the for planning and making our weekend so successful and Provincial
Town Centre! DC Ray Johnston-Smith for keeping us all in line!
Come the evening, all were received at a Buck’s Fizz reception by The evening continued with live band entertainment until 1.00am. So
our PGM RWBrother John Morgan and his lady Wendy together with to bed not forgetting to put the clocks forward one hour before doing
Deputy PGM Philip Voisey accompanied by his lady Gill. so!
After an excellent dinner that was greatly and leisurely enjoyed, …Copy/pics, Ed.
RWBro. John rose to give the Loyal Toast; this was later followed by