Page 4 - TRIANGLE Summer 2015 issue18
P. 4
Secretary’s Corner Club Corner
With a new masonic year about to commence Provincial 600 Club Winners
and I trust having enjoyed the summer break I
again take this opportunity to thank all Lodge Congratulations to our lucky winners.
members for the hospitality extended to me Each Draw take place
when visiting your Lodge, all Secretaries and at a different lodge each month,
Scribes for their continued support in helping
in the smooth running of the Province. the WM and his Wardens
I look forward to meeting you all again soon. draw the winners.
Prizes: 1st. £150, 2nd. £100,
For your Diary. 3rd. & 4th. £50.
Secretaries/Scribes and Directors of Ceremonies Meeting.
A meeting has been arranged for 28 August 2015 at Wedmore Entry Forms available from your Lodge
Masonic Hall commencing at 7pm, the DPGM will chair the meeting Charity Steward.
on this occasion which is also open to Assistant Secretaries/Scribes
and DC’s. Draw Name Lodge
Almoners and Charity Stewards Meeting.
A meeting for Almoners and Charity Stewards has been arranged for Mar. W. Bro. Ian Cox
Thursday 5 November at Wedmore Masonic Hall, commencing at TI
7pm and will be chaired by the PGM. “ W. Bro. Frank Parsons 1656
Provincial Meeting. “ Mrs. Pat Curtis 1924
The Annual Meeting of Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master “
Masons will be held at the Webbington Hotel on Saturday 7th May Mrs. Paulene Morgan 749
2016 at 3pm and the ever popular Dinner with the Ladies at 6pm.
It is anticipated the Summons and dining slip will again be included April W. Bro. Ken Ellis 119
with the spring edition of Triangle.
Provincial Grand Assembly of Royal Ark Mariners. “ Bro. M. Burroughs 128
The 12 Provincial Grand Assembly of Royal Ark Mariners will be “ W. Bro. Philip Coles 1295
held at the Webbington Hotel on Saturday 3 September 2016. This W. Bro. Chris White 128
very popular meeting is open to all Royal Ark Mariners. Members “
elevated since the last meeting will receive a personal invitation from
the Provincial Grand Master and Brethren promoted to Provincial May Bro. Ronald Ponsford
RAM Grand Rank receive their collarette. Summons and luncheon 807
booking forms will be available from Lodge Scribes in due course. “ Mrs Hazel Guthrie 119
Reminders. “ W. Bro. John Nicholson
Provincial Ties and Tokens are available from the Provincial Grand 177
Secretary. “ W. Bro. David Hanks 1295
The PGM, DPGM, W.Masters and W.Commanders welcome your
support whenever possible at Meetings or events listed in the Future June
Events page of the web site www.somersetmarkmason and don’t W. Bro. Willie Brown 697
forget the Camera for that special picture in your Triangle. “ W. Bro. Neville Harrison 162
S. John Smith. “ W. Bro. Andy Leitch 1656
Provincial Grand Secretary. “ W. Bro. David Burrows 1608
Fifty Years for Denis, a truly remarkable Mason
50 years ago on the 10 March 1965 a certain young Mason Denis is a senior Mark and Royal Ark Mariner & also a
called Denis Calderly was on the summons of the Royal very senior mason in other Degrees and Orders. He was
Cumberland Lodge of MMM as being a candidate for Grand Superintendent for Somerset in the Holy Royal
Advancement. In 1969 he became Organist & continued in that Arch for over 10 years & a very senior member of the
position until 1974 when he became Senior Deacon. In 1979 Royal Order of Scotland for the Western Counties.
he was Installed as Worshipful Master, served as ADC until He is a Past Grand Sword Bearer in Craft, Past Grand Standard
March 1982 when he was appointed as Director of Ceremonies, Bearer “B” in KT. Also Substitute Provincial Grand Master
an Office he held until 1988. Denis was appointed PAGDC in the Royal Order of Scotland. Past Grand Junior Overseer
in 1985, promoted to PGSD in 1997, and Past GJO in 2005. in Mark & Holder of Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank,
Very Worshipful Brother Denis has a passion for music He is a truly remarkable Freemason & tonight we
and when he sits at the Organ, the music he produces are celebrating his 50 years in the Mark Degree.
comes alive, filling the room with wonderful harmonies.
Ceremonies, meetings & special events are enhanced by his Words by Right Worshipful Brother David Brian Nelson who had
most inspiring musical accompaniment; it is noticeable that the pleasure to present Denis with his Certificate & lapel Badge at
singing suddenly improves with this happy accompaniment. the Royal Cumberland Lodge, at Bath on Wednesday 11 March.
Please see pictures on page 5