Page 7 - TRIANGLE Summer 2015 issue18
P. 7
Grand Officers Mess
The Grand Officers Mess was held as explaining & demonstrating this new
usual at the very popular venue, the requirement to the Lodge Brethren!
Clevedon Masonic Centre. On arrival Another topic discussed was a very
all were personally welcomed by our informative booklet just produced
PGM John Morgan & his Deputy called, “The Fourth Regular Step, an
Phil Voisey. introduction for Craft Masons to the
“Where am I sitting”? Well take a Mark Degree”
raffle ticket & find its partner around It explains that the Mark Degree is one of
the table places. “There you are”! hope & encouragement, the ritual being
After an excellent meal with wine built on a single verse from Psalm 118
from Zena & her team, all rose to “The stone which the builders rejected
join the PGM in the Loyal Toast. has become the headstone of the
This was followed by a letter from corner”. It is for each reader to put his
Grand Lodge read by RWBro. John, own interpretation on the message which
advising a change in the Threefold the Degree proclaims.
Change the sign? Sign; this he explained & demonstrated. The booklet also gave an insight into the
Much discussion about the proposed
Royal Ark Mariner Degree. Although a
alteration of the sign was forthcoming & separate degree, this popular order comes
mixed opinions given. under the authority of the Mark Degree.
A letter of instruction & explanation As the booklet states..’It is a beautiful
concerning this alteration to the established degree in its own right & worthy of
sign will be sent to all Lodge Secretaries. consideration’.
No doubt each DC will have a busy time …Copy/pics, Ed.
A Happy Day
I look at it this way!
How’s it going so far?
Travellng Keystone Programme
The Travelling Keystone 2015
has been roving around the 17th September, Isle of Wedmore Lodge to Science lodge at Wincanton.
Province for the last 24 years, 26th October, Science Lodge to Mendip lodge at Glastonbury.
its mission to bring Mark 26th November, Mendip lodge to William de Irwin at Yeovil.
Masons together at their 9th December, William de Irwin to Cerdic Lodge at Chard.
various Lodges, forging new 2016
friendships and strengthening 25th January, Cerdic Lodge to Fidelity & Unanimity at Taunton.
old ones.