Page 5 - TRIANGLE Summer 2015 issue18
P. 5

Fifty Years for Bill                               Fifty Years for Mike

           W. Bro. William Rowan, (better known as Bill), received his ‘Fifty Years
           in Mark Masonry’ certificate from RWBro. John Morgan, Provincial Grand
           Master  for  Somerset  at  Eldon  Lodge,  Clevedon  on  Thursday  5   February
           Bill was Initiated into Craft Masonry in Lodge Tollcross, No. 1194, Glasgow
           in February 1964, & Raised in March the same year.
           There are no separate Mark Lodges in Scotland, so consequently Bill was
           Advanced  into  Mark  Masonry  in  his  mother  lodge  Tollcross  on  10   June
           In 1981 bill moved to England & joined Eldon Lodge of Mark Master Masons,
           No. 807 during 1982, becoming Worshipful Master in 2002.
           In May of this year he received promotion to Past Provincial Grand Junior
           Warden at the annual meeting of Provincial Mark Grand Lodge held at its
           usual venue the Webbington Hotel.
           The picture shows bill with our PGM, John Morgan.             Michael Edward Skyrme’s Father and Grandfather
                                                                         were  Masons.  He  remembers  being  outside
                                                                         Buckingham  Palace  after  the  German  surrender
                                                                         shouting  with  the  crowd  pressing  against  the
                                                                         railings, “We want the King”!
                                                                         He attended Weston Grammar School and left in
                                                                         He  was  then  employed  at  GYDARS  an
                                                                         Engineering  Technical  Drawing  Office  situated
                                                                         in the Boulevard. They specialised in the design
                                                                         of  Aircraft  Carrier  deck  lifts  with  all  the  safety
                                                                         factors required whilst moving through up to 16
                                                                         deck  levels.  Also  to  the  requirements  needed  to
                                                                         convert a commercial aircraft into a troop carrier
                                                                         when needed.
                                                                         This gave Mike a sound grounding for his move
                                                                         to the Bristol Airojet factory at Banwell where he
            Fifty Years for Denis continued from page 4                  eventually became a Project Engineer.
                                                                         Mike’s  Father  opened  the  first  Care  Home  in
                                                                         Somerset  at  Weston-super-Mare  in  November
                                                                         1946,  Mike  left  Airojet  in  1966  and  joined  his
                                                                         father in the business He continued to run it for
                                                                         the next 42 years.
                                                                         Mike joined the Else Lodge in 1965. He was W.
                                                                         Master  in  1971.  Mike  was  promoted  to  Grand
                                                                         Lodge in 1983 as PAGDC & in 1996 was again
                                                                         promoted to PGSD. He served Else for many years
                                                                         as Secretary and more recently was both Treasurer
                                                                         and Almoner together until his retired in 2011.
                                                                         He was made an Honorary Member of the Lodge
                                                                         in 2012......Copy/pic, Ed

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