Page 1 - TRIANGLE Spring 2016 issue19
P. 1
ISSUE 19 Spring 2016
Hope for Tomorrow
At the Annual
meeting on
2nd May 2015
The Provincial
Grand Master,
RWBrother John
Morgan outlined
the project that
he would like us
to embark on,
this being the
charity “Hope for
Hope for Tomorrow’s vision is to bring cancer treatment closer to the patient. In 2007 they
launched their first Mobile Chemotherapy Unit (MCU), and in a unique partnership the charity
owns and maintains the vehicles which are operated by the local NHS Foundation Trusts or
major Oncology Centre. Somerset has one of these MCUs.
The charity also provides Nurse Support Vehicles and they are seeking funding to provide a
new Nurse Support Vehicle for the Somerset Mobile Chemotherapy Unit so that chemotherapy
nursing staff along with the chemotherapy drugs can continue to be transported to the sites
the MCU visits. Their current vehicle needs replacing; and they prefer to use a vehicle under
warranty in order to keep maintenance costs to a minimum.
It is the PGM’s wish that with the help of Somerset brethren he would very much like our Somerset
Mark Province to help them obtain a new vehicle and to this end he has launched this project in
the hope that we can raise at least £15,000 within the next 12 to 14 months.
It is his sincere hope that we will support this venture and any contributions
from Lodges or individual brethren would be gratefully received.
Cheques should be made payable to the Provincial Grand Lodge of
Somerset MMM. (On the back of the cheque please write Hope for
PGM’s Appeal as at 26th January 2016
£10,060 raised to £15,000 target!