Page 4 - TRIANGLE Spring 2016 issue19
P. 4
Secretary’s Corner Club Corner
I do hope you have all had a most enjoyable Provincial 600 Club Winners
Christmas, and as we move swiftly into another
busy year, may I first of all take this opportunity Congratulations to our lucky winners.
of wishing you all a very Happy, Fruitful and Each Draw takes place
most importantly, a Healthy New Year, As at a different lodge each month,
always I look forward to meeting as many of the WM and his Wardens
you as possible on my travels around the Province
and again also take this opportunity of thanking all draw the winners.
Lodge Secretaries, Scribes and many others, too many Prizes: 1st. £150, 2nd. £100,
to name but not forgotten, for their continued support and commitment 3rd. & 4th. £50.
in helping in the smooth running of this very friendly Degree. Entry Forms available from your Lodge
For your Diary Charity Steward.
Provincial Mark Weekend
The Annual Mark weekend will again be held at the Sandbanks Draw Name Lodge
Hotel, Sandbanks, Poole, 15 17 April 2016, at which the
Provincial Grand Master looks forward to being able to welcome Bro. David Mason
as many of you as possible. Booking forms may be downloaded Oct.1 807
from the web site or obtained from your Lodge Secretary. “ Mrs Wendy Nicholas 191
Provincial Meeting “ W. Bro. Keith Smith 1295
The 2016 Annual Provincial Meeting of Mark Master Masons will be W. Bro. Derek Bromwich
held at the Webbington Hotel on Saturday 7 May 2016 commencing “ 730
at 3pm. (Brethren to be seated by 2.30). The Provincial Grand Master
would obviously like as many Brethren to attend as possible and as Oct.2 W. Bro. Mike Waterman 128
in previous years, you will receive your own individual copy of the Mrs Janet Harkness
Provincial Summons together with a booking form for those wishing “ 571
to dine after the meeting. As you are no doubt already aware, this is “ W. Bro. Petyer Thomas 1295
the only Province in which ladies are invited for dinner following a “ Bro. David Dixon TI
Provincial meeting and for the benefit of the ladies, entertainment
is provided during the afternoon whilst the meeting is in progress. Nov. W. Bro. Paul Cullum 697
Those Brethren who are to be appointed or promoted will have
already received a booking form with their letter of appointment. “ W. Bro. Richard Gale 1295
We shall this year be honoured by the presence of the “ W. Bro. Keith Smith 1295
Deputy Grand Master, RW. Bro. H. Keith Emmerson. 128
Secretaries/Scribes and Directors of Ceremonies Meeting “ Mrs. Jocelyn White
The annual meeting for Lodge Secretaries, Scribes and
Director of Ceremonies will be held on Thursday 25 CHRISTMAS DRAW
August 2016 at Wedmore Masonic Hall. On this occasion Dec First Prize...£200.
the meeting will be chaired by the Provincial Grand Followed by Six prizes of
Master, This meeting will again also be open to Assistant £100.
Secretaries/Scribes and Assistant Directors of Ceremonies. Further
information will be sent to all Lodge Secretaries/Scribes in due course. “ W. Bro. Derek Bromwich 730
Royal Ark Mariners Assembly 191
This year’s Annual Royal Ark Mariners Assembly will be held “ W. Bro. Wynne Jones
at the Webbington Hotel on Saturday 3 September. At that “ Mrs. Ann Price 781
meeting the Provincial Grand Master will invest those Brethren Bro. Dudley Tremaine 781
newly appointed to Provincial Grand Rank and welcome new “
members. The meeting will be followed by Lunch to which for “ W. Bro. Trevor Cooper 191
the first time our Ladies will also be invited. Summons and “ W. Bro. John Howlett 1615
Booking forms will be available from Lodge Scribes in due course.
Reminders “ W. Bro. Bryan Foster 162
The PGM, DPGM, W/Masters and W/Commanders welcome your
support whenever possible at meetings and events and don’t forget the
Camera for that special picture in your Triangle. (Support it or lose it) Jan Miss Charlotte Nicholson 177
Provincial Website 730 “ W. Bro Derek Bromwich
has had another makeover and is regularly updated “ Mrs Elaine Tozer 1295
with news which you submit. Provincial Summons’ 781
and booking forms etc. can easily be downloaded. “ W. Bro. Roly Bisgrove
Provincial Ties at £10 or £15 and Tokens at £1.50
are available from the Provincial Grand Secretary.
S. John Smith.
Provincial Grand Secretary.