Page 5 - TRIANGLE Spring 2016 issue19
P. 5

Congratulations Bob

         Hallam Lodges’ 385  meeting on November
         25  2015 proved to be a very special occasion
         for  our  long  serving  stalwart  W.Bro  Bob
         A packed house of 75 brethren first witnessed
         a super ceremony performed by W.Bro Andy
         Wade and his team of officers for Bro Martyn
         Randell, who must have been impressed with
         such a display.
         The  room  was  surprised  when  under  any
         other  business  Right  Worshipful  Brother
         John Morgan, PGM, rose and asked the DC
         to  present  W.Bro  Robert  Michael  Cole  to
         The PGM then proceeded with a brief outline
         of Bob’s contribution to Hallam Lodge and
         Mark Masonry and presented him with the
         rare accolade of a Provincial Grand Masters
         Certificate of Merit. A somewhat speechless
         W.Bro Bob admitted he was lost for words
         and in his self-effacing manner said “He had
         done his best”!
         The  presentation  was  received  with  much
         acclamation from those present.
         Afterwards the PGM said, “W.Bro. Bob has
         served  this  Province  in  the  Mark  Degree
         with  dedication  and  distinction  since  his
         Advancement into Hallam Lodge in 1962. He
         has received a  50  year
         Certificate not only in
         the  Mark  Degree  but
         also  in  the  Ancient  and
         Honourable  Fraternity
         of  Royal  Ark  Mariners.
         His Certificate  of  Merit
         is well deserved and I am
         delighted to present it to
         The  full  significance  of
         the  honour  bestowed  is
         realised when you see that
         only 4 other hard working
         and  deserving  brethren
         currently  hold  this
         Certificate,  2006  W.Bro
         Steve Defries, 2008 W.Bro
         John  Lendon,  2011  VW
         Bro Geoff Nash and 2014
         VW Bro Ray Guthrie, so
         well done Bob and from
         Hallam Lodge….
         very many thanks.
         Copy, Neil Hurcum.
         Pics Ed.

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