Page 3 - TRIANGLE Spring 2016 issue19
P. 3
BBQ for New Provincial Team
The now happily established Annual Provincial Team BBQ took place behind the clouds & welcomed the new Provincial Team members
again last August in the peaceful countryside at Portbury hosted by & their ladies.
our Deputy PGM Phil & his lady Gill in their tranquil back garden. The afternoon was a great success, lots of chat, old friends met &
Well it was happily tranquil on the day, but the previous evening’s new ones made, with drinks to suit everyone & Phil resplendent in
preparations were somewhat halted as Phil witnessed his over-large shorts & spatula at the hot end of the BBQ. Salads, couscous & many
marquee, carefully protecting chairs & tables for 40 guests from the other tempting dishes accompanied Phil’s expertise. Later followed a
thunder & lightning of the day before, take off & sail merrily up the mouth-watering selection of sweets from Gill.
garden! All remarked it was a wonderful occasion, cheerfully bringing the
Come the day of the event, the marquee re-pegged more firmly & new team members together that ensured a happy familiarity at the
with the rain still coming down like stair-rods, Phil thought he’d next more formal team visit. The sight of our PGM John clearing the
better rename the forthcoming occasion the Royal Ark Mariners tables & collecting the rubbish, put a smile on many a happy face;
outing in case Noah dropped in with his ark! well done sir!
Happily at the witching hour, the rain stopped, the sun came out from …Copy/Pics, Pat Morrisey