Page 2 - TRIANGLE Spring 2016 issue19
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Fidelity and Unanimity Royal Ark Mariners celebrates its Centenary

         Wednesday 14th October 2015 was an important day in the history   read by the Deputy Grand Secretary to our Worshipful Commander
         of  this  old  Lodge,  which  was Consecrated  on  20th  May  1913  by   Jimmy Durant.
         R.W.Brother Colonel William Long CB the PGM at that time.   After which the AGM rose and stated that it was his great pleasure
         It was our present PGM R.W.Brother John Morgan, supported by his   to present, to a rather surprised PGM, a “Grand Patron Collaret” on
         Provincial Team who joined us to celebrate the Centenary. Our guest   behalf of the Mark Benevolent Fund.
         of honour was The Assistant Grand Master R.W.Brother Raymond J   On resuming his chair the W Commander invited the AGM to present
         Smith accompanied by The Deputy Grand Secretary W.Brother Ryan   the Centenary Jewels to the members of the Lodge.
         Williams and W.Brother Nicholas Murzell Deputy Grand Director of   To complete this special occasion, the brethren retired to the supper
         Ceremonies. They had travelled from Grand Lodge to present The   room to partake of an excellent festive board supplied by our caterers.
         Centenary Warrant and commemorative Jewels to the brethren of the   Just over 80 dined and it is nice to record that every RAM lodge in
         Lodge.                                               the province was represented by at least one member. During his
         The Ceremony went well with the RWBrother John taking the chair   speech the W Commander thanked all those present for attending
         and giving a brief outline of the RAM Degree in Somerset plus a short   and presented the AGM with a special bottle of 10 year old Somerset
         history of the Lodge. He then called upon W.Brother Ian Strickland   Cider Brandy to mark his first visit to the Lodge.
         who gave an excellent oration on “The History and Symbolism of the   A truly memorable evening for all concerned, and the Lodge looks
         Porphyry Stone” which was well received by all present.  forward to its next 100 years full of confidence.
         The chair was next taken by the AGM, & the Centenary Warrant was   Rod Green, Scribe.

                               Nailsea, did you know?

            The traditional image of Noah’s   giraffe  there  is  a  large  dog  of
           Ark as used in a Royal Ark Mariner   indeterminate breed. I am reliably
           Lodge is one of a wooden hulled   informed that when the Lodge was
           boat with a ‘bungalow’ on top. On   founded  in  1990  the  signwriter
           Royal Ark Mariner documents the   who decorated the honours board
           ark is shown with the dove bearing   was not an Ark Mariner. He was
           an olive branch above it, which is   given  such  a  poor  photocopy  of
           taken from the cover of the tracing   the ark that his interpretation was
           board  ritual.  On  RAM  summons   somewhat different from what was
           the  presentation  of  the  ark  is   intended.
           similar,  wooden  hull,  bungalow   Thus Nailsea RAM has a unique
           and  dove,  indeed  there  are  many   honours board and a unique image
           different styles but the content is   on the Lodge summons. Surprising
           always the same.             sometimes where Lodge traditions
           If you should visit Nailsea Masonic   spring from!
           Hall, check out the honours board   Ray  Guthrie,  Founder  Nailsea
           for Nailsea RAM No 1548 and you   RAM No 1548.
           will see the familiar Wooden hull&   Extract taken from Triangle Issue
           bungalow,  but  no  dove,  instead   I dated September 2006.
           you will see a giraffe & with the

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