Page 2 - Triangle Spring 2007 Issue 2
P. 2

The 150th              The Royal Albert Hall was the venue for a great

        Aniversary             celebration that climaxed with the presentation

        Meeting              by the Mark Fund of Benevolence of £3 million to
        October 26  2006                  the National Osteoporosis Society
        What a sight it was, the Royal Albert Hall full to
        capacity with Mark Master Masons, all in their
        regalia, with their wives, all there to celebrate
        the 150  birthday of the Grand Lodge of Mark
        Master Masons. It was a day of highlights.
        It started with the entering in procession of
        the heads of all the other Masonic Orders
        and overseas representatives, each in
        their own colourful regalia, this culminated
        with the entry of HRH the Duke of Kent,
        Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge
        of England accompanied by his Pro
        Grand Master, Deputy and Assistant
        Grand Master. Finally the Grand Master
        of The Grand Lodge of Mark Master
        Masons, HRH Prince Michael of Kent
        entered with his senior off cers and the
        proceedings began in earnest.                   Angela Jordan, Chief Executive of NOS receives a
        The Grand Master made his opening address, including
        the welcoming of all the guests, particularly his brother   founding
                                                        cheque for £3,000,000 from Keith Carmichael.
        HRH the Duke of Kent. The Grand Chaplain then offered   Lodges of Mark Grand Lodge.
        an opening prayer that was followed by the singing of   (See item Royal Cumberland Lodge opposite).
        “Guide me oh thy Great Redeemer” This marvelous old   The climax of the event was an announcement by the
        hymn sung with great gusto by so many voices really   Chairman of the General Board Keith Carmichael that the
        brought a lump to my throat!                          Mark Benevolent fund would donate the sum of £3million
        Jim Daniel, Past Grand  Secretary of the Craft, stepped   to the National Osteoporosis Society. The money was
        up to the podium to give a very interesting and lively   to be used to fund the purchase of mobile scanner units
        talk on the founders and builders of Mark Grand Lodge,   for the NOS. These units would make it much easier
        commenting f rst that he had never witnessed such a   for women in remote rural areas in particular and those
        display of Masonic bling in  his life!! There then followed   who were not able to travel far to be checked for signs
        a musical interlude including performances by the     of this crippling disease. The cheque was received by
        Royal Masonic School for Girls Choir and several solo   the Chief Executive of NOS Angela Jordan, our front
        performances.                                         cover shows Angela addressing the meeting just after the
        Next was the presentation and dedication of           presentation. HRH The Duchess of Cornwall was also in
        f ve new Lodge banners, one                           attendance in her capacity as President of the NOS.
        each to the f ve                                      See for more details.
                                                                          Meritorious Chaplain!
                                                               A Lodge secretaries life is full of suprises but the last
                                                               thing that Provincial Chaplain Les Downs was expecting
                                                               to hear when the PGM
                                                               visited Nailsea Lodge
                                                               was that Les was to
                                                               be the recipient of the
                                                               PGMs certif cate of
                                                               Merit for his services
                                                               to Somerset Mark
                                                               Masonry. David Nelson
                                                                commented that Les
                                                                had done a great job
                                                                in his seven years as
                                                               Provincial Chaplain and
               Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Cornwall,
                                                               had continued to support
               Presedent of  NOS greets Angela Jordan Chief
             Executive of NOS, Grand Secretary John Brackley   Nailsea Mark  Lodge as
                                                               secretary, a position he
                 and Deputy Grand Secretary Richard Gan.
                                                               has held since 1997.
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