Page 3 - Triangle Spring 2007 Issue 2
P. 3
Royal As one of the f ve founding Lodges of the Grand In This Issue
Lodge of Mark Master Masons, The Royal
Cumberland Cumberland Lodge of MMM Time Immemorial The 150 Anniversary
Founder of received from Grand Lodge a splendid new Lodge Meeting Page 2
Banner at the recent 150 celebrations in London.
Grand Lodge The Master Richard Thurston accompanied by Provincial meeting Page 4
a deputation from Royal Cumberland Lodge
received the Banner from the Grand Master and
proudly displayed it to all the members at the Endoscope appeal Page 5
Lodge meeting on 2 November. Our photo shows Richard next to the Banner
together with (l to r) David Nelson, Nina Booth Clibborn and Angela Jordan
from the National Osteoporosis Society, Tony Carter and Trevor Burton the Masons Marks Page 6
Lodge Wardens. The NOS which is based at Camerton near Bath, Nina and
Angela gave a very interesting talk on the work of the Society and how the £3 500 club results Page 3
million donation from the Mark Benevolent Fund will be used.
Provincial LofI Page 4
Important dates for
Provincial Off cers Page 4
Mark Golf Day Page 6
Letters Page 8
Son advances Dad Page 8
Calling all Bowlers! Page 6
Royal Ark Mariner News
Page 7
Benevolent In the last issue of Triangle we 500 CLUB LUCKY WINNERS
Fund & announced the formation of a 500 Draw Name Lodge
club to support the Somerset Mark
500 Club Provincial Benevolent Fund. You
have responded in a magnif cent way Sep-06 Bro. Cardy Foulds 967
and thanks to a lot of work by the W Bro. Mike Waterman 128
Provincial Charity Steward, Eric Kellet
and his two representatives, John Nicholson and Keith Fisher W Bro. Jimmy Evans 571
and indeed all Lodge Charity Stewards, 450 shares of £10 Oct-06 Mrs Liz Booty 177
each were sold. This raised a sum of £4500, half of the amount W Bro. Peter Thomas 1295
going directly to the Provincial Benevolent Fund and half
redistributed in the form of prizes. The main winner of course is Bro. Bob O’Malley White 781
the Benevolent Fund, but so far 18 brethren or their wives have Nov-06 Mrs Nicola Neville 1295
shared in the prize money. There are still four monthly prize Bro. Bob O’Malley White 781
draws to come in March, April, May and June, so if you haven’t
won yet you still have a chance. The prizes of £145.00 f rst W Bro. LJ Cottell TI
£53.50 second and £30.00 third are drawn every month. Dec-06 Mrs MZ Cottell TI
Eric and John have also started work selling shares for the Bro. Jim Arnott 781
2007/8 500 club. To join the 2007/8 club and support the
fund as well as giving yourself 30 chances of winning a cash Bro. Peter Civil TI
prize, complete the entry form enclosed with this magazine. Jan-07 W Bro. Jim Summers TI
Simply decide how many shares you would like to buy, f ll in R W Bro. David Palmer 191
the form and return it. If you don’t have a form put your name,
address and phone number on a piece of paper, indicate how Bro. JW Morris 749
many shares you want and send it with your cheque for the Feb-07 W Bro. John Hunt 749
correct amount to Eric Kellet, 23 Mendip Lea Close, Draycott,
BS27 3SY. Remember the 500 club is also open to wives and W Bro. Tony Robins 162
partners of members. W Bro. Mike Waterman 162