Page 6 - Triangle Spring 2007 Issue 2
P. 6

Masons            At a recent Craft Lodge of         one John Jennings who was a Founder Member of the

         Marks             Instruction meeting a question was   Rural Philanthropic Lodge No 291 which met at the
                                                              Highbridge Inn. John Jennings was an architect and
                           raised about the “Masonic Code”
         Or those marks    as displayed on the Third Degree   surveyor and undertook the repair of the river gates and
         by which we are   Tracing Board. As Preceptor I      lock in the river Brue at Highbridge. To fulf l his contract
         known to each     explained that, as far as I knew, it   it cost him a £100 of his own money and to record this
         other             was based on an old substitution   fact for posterity he arranged to have it inscribed on his
                           code, i.e. a single symbol for each   headstone which was made from part of the original
                           letter of the
        English alphabet.  At the same
        time I distributed copies of the
        “Masonic Code” as published in the
        Mark Degree Ritual book. (Note
        that no particular combination of
        this code has ever been approved
        or adopted by any Grand Lodge.)        Three examples of masons marks from the Kennet and Avon Canal
        By so doing I was trying to create some
        active interest in the Mark Degree.                   lock. The details were carved, using the “Masonic
        However while attending a Royal Arch Chapter admin    Code” in six lines at the foot of the headstone and are
        meeting at Burnham-on-Sea I picked up a leaf et       thus translated;“This stone is part of the apron or f oor
        published by the Rural Philanthropic Lodge No 291 on   of Highbridge, which being much broken and in vain
        the same subject but which included some additional   attempted to be repaired for sixty years, was completely
        and interesting information about the code. The code is   repaired in the year 1779 by John Jennings, who lost
        based on a noughts and crosses frame for 18 letters and   £100 by doing it.”
        a saltire cross for the remaining 8 letters. These two basic   As was explained to the Brethren at the L of I this ‘simple’
        forms are said to represent two of the three Great Lights   code has many variations for instance:
        in Freemasonry, namely the Square and the Compass.    A B   C D  E F        S T          F E    D C  B A           T S
        The Square denotes good conduct and the Compass
        signif es the keeping within or encompassing God’s Laws.   G H   I J    KL  Y Z        U V   L K    J I     H G    V U      ZY
        In this form letters A-R are based on the Square and the   M N  O P  Q R      W X          R Q   P O  N M         X W
        letters S-Z are based on the Compass.
                                                              You can also read the code, either from right to left or
                A J   B K   C L                              S W
                                                              left to right! As you will soon realise the combinations
               D M  E N   F O                    V Z              TX   are almost inf nite and more so if you introduce the
                                                              use of a password! I’ll leave those calculations to the
               G P   H Q   I R                               U Y
                                                              mathematicians or computer buffs in our midst. So
                                                              saying, can you work this one out?
               (Square letters)                (Compass letters)
        These marks are easily entered on the edge of a
        chisel! In each case the right hand letter uses the   In future whilst out walking, look out for the operative
        same form as the left hand letter but includes a dot in the   mason’s marks in some of our local old buildings. For
        form. Thus Royal Sussex  would become                 instance if you happen to be walking along the Kennet
                                                              and Avon canal the masons marks can be clearly seen in
                                                              some of the bridges that cross over the canal and again
                                                              at the Tythe Barn at Bradford upon Avon.
        The same code was found on a headstone in the West    As the work generally was piece work, that is payment by
        Huntspill churchyard and was set up to commemorate    results, these marks were an effective way of establishing
                    Mark Golf Day  2007                       whose work  was being inspected and hopefully approved
        This years competition for the Provincial Grand Masters   for payment The marks are there for all to see but how
        Shield will be held on Wednesday 18  July 2007 at Bath   often do we seek them out? To quote Conan Doyle’s
        Golf Club. All golfers are welcome to enter, the Provincial   Sherlock Holmes “We see but we do not observe.” So
        Grand Master would like to see all Lodges represented.   Mark Well those masons marks.
        Please contact; Richard Stone;  Tel 01935 864553      David George Preceptor St Lukes Lof I
                email - or         (Chaplain Royal Sussex Lodge of MMM No 177)
                     Calling all Bowlers                      With due acknowledgement and thanks to the Rural
                                                              Philanthropic Lodge’s paper.
        The fourth annual Mark v Craft bowls competition will be
        held at Shepton Mallet Bowls Club on Monday 9  July.              Did You know?
        This is always a very pleasant day in the Mark social
        calendar. Assemble at 10.00am for coffee, there will   that the f rst recorded Mark advancement ceremony in
        be four rinks of four followed by lunch at the club. Any   England took place on the 1  September 1769 in the
        brother who would like to play on the Mark Team should   Royal Arch Chapter of Friendship, now number 257 in
         contact the Deputy PGM Ray Guthrie on 01761471275    Portsmouth, when Thomas Dunkerley made brethren
                                                               Mark Men and Mark Masters.
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