Page 5 - Triangle Spring 2007 Issue 2
P. 5
Prostate cancer appeal exceeds expectations
David Nelson, Provincial Grand Master accompanied
by thirty brethren, representing all the Lodges in
the Province, presented a cheque from Somerset
Mark Master Masons for £25,000 to Chris Gallegos at
Bath RUH on 26th January 2007. Before making the
presentation four consultants, Graham Howell, Tim
Bates, Jon MacFarlane and Chris Gallegos gave an
illustrated talk describing the treatments available at the
RUH for prostate cancer and how the brachytherapy unit,
largely f nanced by the Mark Benevolent Fund two years
ago, was being utilised. This was followed by a tour of
the operating theatre.
The hospital offers three main types of treatment:
Surgical - known as radical retropubic prostatectomy,
an incision is made in the abdomen and the prostate is
cut out from behind the pubic bone. After removing the
prostate, the surgeon stitches the urethra directly to the The Provincial Grand Master presents a cheque on
bladder so urine is able to f ow. behalf of Somerset Mark Masons for £25,000 to
Radiation - external beam radiotherapy. CT scans and Chris Gallegos;. They are f anked by consultants
MRIs are used to map out the location of the tumor Jon MacFarlane, Tim Bates and Graham Howell.
cells, and x-rays are targeted to those areas. With 3D a year are being treated. The reason as one might
conformal radiotherapy, a computerised programme expect is one of cost, the radioactive seeds alone for
maps out the exact location of the prostate tumours so brachytherapy cost £3,500 making the overall cost of
that the highest dose of radiation can reach the cancer the procedure £7,000 or three time the cost of radical
cells within the gland. surgery. Chris Gallegos was fulsome in his praise for the
Brachytherapy here tiny little metal pellets containing M B F and Somerset Mark Masons, without their support
radioactive iodine or palladium are inserted into the there would not be a brachytherapy unit at the RUH.
prostate via needles that enter through the skin behind Over the last two years the procedures carried out had
the testicles. As with 3D conformal radiation therapy, proved 100% successful and he was now very hopeful
careful and precise maps are used to ensure that the that the NHS would provide the funding to carry out
seeds are placed in the proper locations. Over the course more operations. He then went on to explain the recent
of several months, the seeds give off radiation to the advances in the design of Laparoscopic Instruments that
immediate surrounding area, killing the prostate cancer now made Radical Laparoscopic Prostectomy (key hole
cells. Over a year, the radioactive material degrades, and surgery) a possibility. Some of the money so generously
the seeds that remain are harmless. donated by Somerset Mark Masons would be used
At the moment there are approximately 250 procedures to purchase this latest technology thereby helping to
each of surgery and radiotherapy carried out each provide the local community with the best treatment.
year in our area. Of that
total consultants think that
150 would be suitable
for treatment using
brachytherapy but at the
moment only 50 patients
Don’t panic he’s not going to ask for a volunteer!! Some worried
looking brethren listen carefully as consultant Chris Galligos explains
the equipment used in the treatment of prostate cancer and how the
£25,000 donation by Somerset Mark Masons will be spent. 5